genomic sequencing of the virus 病毒的基因排序 good personal hygiene 良好个人卫生 good ventilation 通风 health care settings/facilities 医疗机构 hemorrhagic fever 流行性出血热 hospital accident and emergency dept. 急诊室 idiopathic 自发性 incubation period 潜伏期 interstitial inflammation change 间质性炎症改...
举两个流传甚广的有代表性的例子: Some media hyped about defects in China's medical products, but after verification, it was found that the issue was due to different product standards between China and Europe. In addition, some institutions did not strictly comply with the use instructions. Her...
c Experimental verification of trivalent constructs using size-exclusion chromatography and Native-PAGE. d Functional tests of the top-ranked constructs. Binding affinity was measured by BLI, and pseudovirus neutralization assays were performed to determine the neutralizing activity against SARS-CoV-2 Full...