新冠疫情一直在不断演变,引起了人们对SARS-CoV-2变种的关注。最近,《细胞》杂志发表了一篇关于这一话题的重要研究,研究人员探讨了SARS-CoV-2变种(Variants of Concern,VOC)如何影响我们的免疫系统以及对疫苗的挑战。SARS-CoV-2简介 SARS-CoV-2是导致COVID-19大流行的病毒。不同的病毒变种如Alpha、Delta、Beta...
Therefore, mutations in the RBD region are effective ways for SARS-CoV-2 variants to gain infectivity and escape the immunity built up by the original vaccines or infections. In this review, we focus on the impact of RBD mutations in SARS-CoV-2 variants of concern (VOC...
新型冠状病毒SARS-CoV-2突变株总结: 目前为止总共6个变异株被美国CDC列为“Variants of Concern"(最新加入了Delta株),这些变异株在以下三个方面有比较严重的后果:1.病毒传播速度的改变;2. 对单克隆抗体治疗的敏感性;3. 能否被疫苗或自然感染产生的多克隆抗体有效中和。 Alpha突变株:B.1.1.7,最先在英国出现,在...
目前WHO将新冠病毒的变异株分为高关注变异株(variants of concern,VOCs)、需留意变异株(variants of interest,VOIs)和需监测变异株(variants of interest,VUMs),其中Alpha (B.1.1.7)、 Beta (B.1.351), Gamma (P.1)和Delta (B.1.617.2)都归为VOCs,这些变异毒株在世界上的不同地区掀起了不同程度的人群传...
(mRNA1273, BNT162b2) to prevent SARS-CoV-2 infections (https://extranet.who.int/pqweb/vaccines/covid-19-vaccines). However, circulating variants including Delta have posed enormous challenges to the effectiveness of vaccines. Delta, also termed B.1.617.2 variant, detected in India in ...
2022年1月27日,中国医学科学院深圳传染性疾病防控研究中心、深圳市疾病预防控制中心、中国医学科学院病原生物学研究所和中科院北京基因组研究所(国家生物信息中心)的研究人员任丽丽、李明锟等人在Emerging Microbes & Infections在线了一篇题为Possible recombination between two variants of concern in a COVID-19 patient...
most current variants of concern (Beta, Gamma, Omicron). Position 501 in the S protein is within the receptor-binding motif (RBM) and is one of the six contact amino acid (a.a.) residues with ACE2. N501Y has been shown to improve the binding affinity of SARS-CoV-2 to ACE2 [9, ...
domain, TM transmembrane region, CT cytoplasmic terminus.dA list of SARS-CoV-2 strains, harboring mutations in the RBD region of S glycoprotein, that could effectively infect wild-type mice.eSchematic demonstration of the mouse as a transmitter of the SARS-CoV-2 N501Y variants of concern. ...
previous SARS-CoV-2 variants with enhanced transmissibility (e.g., alpha and delta) appear to have greater intrinsic severity than their immediate ancestors or the previously dominant variant.4,5Although the reduced CFR seen in the early...