This suggests that P460-type cytochromes may have originated from a c'-type cytochrome which developed a covalent cross-link between a lysine residue and the c'-heme.doi:10.1007/s002030050004Pietro BianchiA...
SardiniaAlgeriaGondwanaResearch on the influence of sea level variations on the benthic faunas have been carried out in the Upper Ordovician of Sardinia. Study of the depositional facies and sequence analysis of the upper part (Lower Ashgill) of the Portixeddu Formation led to the identification ...
Energies, Vol. 5, Pages 4624-4642: Novel Speed Bumps Design and Optimization for Vehicles' Energy Recovery in Smart Cities Recently the technology development and increasing amounts of investment in renewables has led to a growing interest towards design and optimization of green energy systems. In...
The Authors describe a new species of the genus Linaria Miller, endemic of Sardinia, named L. arcusangeli from the site of origin. The plant is perennial, woody at the base, multicaulis, with stems 20-60 cmlong, glabrous, leaves linear or linear-lanceolate, and racemes terminal, single, ...
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doi:10.1080/11263509509436470BocchieriE.Giornale Botanico ItalianoBOCCHIERI E., 1995b -- Enquetes sur l'archipel de la Maddalena (Sardaigne NE): la flore et le pay- sage vegetal de l'ile des Bisce. -- Giorn. bot. ital., 129 (5-6): 1179-1196....
Pillola, G.L., Gutierrez-Marco, J.C., 1988. Graptolites du Tremadoc du sud-ouest de la Sardaigne (Italie): paleoecologie et contexte tectono-sedimentaire. Geobios 21, 553-565.Pillola, G.L., Gutierrez-Marco, J.C., 1988. Graptolites du Tremadoc du Sud-ouest de la Sardaigne (Italie)...