48. “The great gift of family life is to be intimately acquainted with people you might never even introduce yourself to, had life not done it for you.”— Kendall Hailey. 49. To maintain a joyful family requires each member of the family to become, in a special way, the servant of ...
用個仍然不很貼切的中文來解釋,就是「有品」。 Decent的人並不一定要舉止優雅、或是裝腔作勢,甚至可以是粗野不羈的;不管是一般人或表演者,可以講髒話、可以搞低級趣味、可以有各種不同的風格,但是必須有底線。 作為演員,尤其是經常必須探索界線、或是嘲諷世事的喜劇演員,或許有...
Choosethe right tonewith which to write. Sarcasm, of course, is meant to be sarcastic. But you need to ensure that it will be taken as a joke rather than a threat. This form of humor employs irony or absurdism in order to criticize something or someone, but it’s a double-sided swo...
We explore theories around political motivations and globalist agendas regarding the wildfires, delving into suspicious circumstances and government responses. Highlighting the impact on the cattle industry, infrastructure, and water supply, we draw connections to broader issues like national power grids and...