This is an example of sarcasm.In this lesson, we'll look at how you can be sarcastic in English, along with some key words and phrases you can learn to practice your new humour!这是讽刺的一个例子。本节课,我们将看看你如何用英语表达讽刺,同时你还可以学习使用一些关键词和短语来练习新式幽默...
Sarcasm can be used in all kinds of ways -- it can express everything from anger to humor. Sarcasm is an example of what some researchers call unplain speaking, ways of speaking in which what is said differs from what is meant. This category of language also includes forced politeness, ...
What is an example of sarcasm? Consider the following sentence: "I can't wait to go to the library." If the speaker actually does not like the library, this could be their sarcastic remark upon learning that is where they are going.What...
This is an interesting example of sarcasm, because a reader may choose to believe that the Cheshire Cat is being perfectly genuine or being sarcastic. Alice is traveling through Wonderland, and the Cat gives her answers that, while being true, are not necessarily helpful. However, they could ...
Catch-22is filled with examples of sarcasm and irony. The novel focuses on Yossarian, a soldier who spends the novel trying to survive the war and leave with his sanity intact. Here is an example of how Heller used sarcasm in his work: ...
For example, I have a client who specializes in elderly women in wheelchairs. One insult I wrote for him was: “You can’t even stand up for what you believe in.” As an act of resistance the woman tried to stand up, fell out of her chair, and fractured her skull. My client was...
@harukaartThanks! Much appreciated :)
An example of how we convey our emotions is through the usage of verbal irony (Sperber, 1984), where the intended meaning differs from the supposed meaning. Another is through the use of sarcasm, an utterance that on the surface appears to be in context, but that is intended to mock or...
Sarcasm is most usually understood through tone of voice, which is used to portray the opposite of the intended words. For example, when someone says, "Well, that's exactly what I need right now," their tone can tell you it's not what they need at all. Most frequently, sarcasm ...
compdbis a command line tool to manipulates compilation databases. A compilation database is a database for compile options, it has records of which compile options are used to build the files in a project. An example of compilation database is theJSON Compilation Database ...