Sarcasm_Project/ ├── app/ │ ├── │ └── ├── data/ # Данныедляобучениямоделивформате .json или .csv ├── notebooks/ # Черновикикода├── sarcasmenv/ # Окружение├── src/ ...
This is an NLP project, where I am attempting to detect sarcasm in social networks in Persian language. nlp machine-learning deep-learning transformer transfer-learning bert persian-nlp sarcasm sarcasm-detection fine-tuning sarcastic-tweets parsbert sarcasm-prediction Updated Jun 16, 2023 Jupyter Not...
Sarcasm Detection The objective of this project is to detect Sarcasm in a text or document. There are two parts in this task, one being the Sarcasm detection which is a classification problem and the next one being Sarcasm extraction which is an Information extraction problem. Goal Build a goo... (2024) Google Scholar [44] R. Abdel-Salam Wanlp 2021 shared-task: towards irony and sentiment detection in Arabic tweets using multi-headed-lstm-cnn-gru and marbert Proceedings of the Sixth Arabic Natural Language Processing Workshop (2021), ...
SarcasmDetectorCSCI-544 Final Project 是一个计算机科学项目,旨在开发一个能够识别和检测讽刺性语言的系统。该系统使用自然语言处理(NLP)技术来解析文本数据,并利用机器学习算法来训练模型,以便准确地识别出讽刺性言论。 在SarcasmDetectorCSCI-544 Final Project 中,研究人员采用了多种方法来提高系统的准确率。首先,...
Traditional sarcasm detection algorithms often rely on a single parameter to produce their results, which is the main reason they often fall short. Gao, Nayak, and Coler instead used two complementary approaches—sentiment analysis using text and emotion recognition using audio—for a more complete ...
"SarcasmDetectionSarcasm detection on tweets using neural network" 是一个基于神经网络的项目,旨在识别推特上的讽刺言论。该项目通过训练神经网络模型,使其能够自动辨别推特中的讽刺语句。讽刺是一种常见的修辞手法,但在文本中往往难以准确识别。这个项目的目标是通过机器学习的方法,提高讽刺识别的准确性。通过收集大量...
Features used in the project are delta TF-IDF, word2vec, and pattern related features. The SVM model surpassed the previous SVM model by 7% in F -score for the same dataset.Kumar, AtulSRMCEMAgrawal, PoojaSRMCEMKumar, RatneshSRMCEM
3. Polarity Detection Using Rule-Based Methods: A suitable sentiment analysis algorithm is used to classify the tokens into their suitable category and analyze their placements in order to have the rightful sentiment polarity of the text (Datta et. al., 2019, p. 1340-1341). 4. Sarcastic ...
1.1. Challenges in Sarcasm Detection Thanks to a vast amount of data, corporations have an excellent opportunity to learn further about people’s perspectives and feelings, as well as other elements about them. However, there are also several challenges. For instance, sarcasm typically uses positive...