'sarcasm and jazz'在语境中的应用示例 在文学作品中,“sarcasm and jazz”可能被用来形容一种独特的叙事风格,即作者在讲述故事时,既运用讽刺手法揭示社会现象中的荒谬与不公,又通过爵士乐般的即兴与自由来表达对人物情感的深刻洞察。例如,在某部小说中,作者可能以讽刺的笔触...
@英汉互译助手sarcasm and jazz翻译 英汉互译助手 讽刺爵士乐您提供的英文词汇“sarcasm”和“jazz”的中文翻译分别是“讽刺”和“爵士乐”。 讽刺: 常见同义词包括“嘲讽”和“挖苦”。 含义:用尖酸刻薄的话讥笑人,有时也指一种修辞手法,用比喻、夸张等手法对人或事进行揭露、批评。 爵士乐: 常见同义词包括“...
Sarcasm and jazz have something surprisingly in common: You know them when you hear them Sarcasm is mostly understood through tone of voice, which is used to portray the opposite of the literal words. For example, when someone says, "Well, that's exactly what I need right now," their ...
Sarcastic statements are expressed in a cutting manner; witty remarks are delivered with undisguised and harmless humor.46. Why does the author say sarcasm and jazz have something surprisingly in common?A) Both are recognized when heard.B) Both mean the opposite of what they appear to.C) Both...
I felt the entire bank go quiet and everyone turned their head to look at me. It was as if the smooth jazz music mix playing in the bank came to a screeching halt. I felt everyone in the over air-conditioned bank stop talking to turn and look at the 43-year old daughter who was ...
在直接翻译'sarcasm and jazz'这一词组时,我们首先需要明确两个单词各自的准确含义。'sarcasm'通常被翻译为“讽刺,嘲讽,挖苦”,它指的是一种用尖刻或嘲讽的语言来表达对某人或某事的不满或批评的修辞手法。而'jazz'则通常指的是一种起源于美国的音乐形式,以其即兴演奏、复...
从字面上看,“sarcasm and jazz”可以被直接翻译为“讽刺与爵士乐”。然而,在特定的语境下,这一词组可能具有更深层的含义。例如,在某些文学或艺术作品中,作者可能通过结合讽刺和爵士乐的元素来创造一种独特的表达效果。这种结合可能旨在通过音乐的节奏和旋律来强化讽刺的语气和效果,或...
'sarcasm and jazz'文章内容概述 在文章'sarcasm and jazz'中,作者通过独特的视角,将两种看似毫无关联的概念——阴阳怪气(讽刺)与爵士乐,巧妙地联系在一起。文章开篇即明确指出,阴阳怪气(讽刺)和爵士乐具有一定共性,即只要一出声人就能听出来。这一独特的比喻,不仅吸引了...
“jazz and sarcasm”的意思是“爵士乐和讽刺”。 'Jazz'的定义与起源 'Jazz'是一个英文单词,主要用作名词,意为“爵士乐”。爵士乐是一种起源于美国的音乐风格,以其浓厚的节奏感和即兴性著称。它通常包括钢琴、贝斯、鼓和各种管弦乐器的演奏,以及人声演唱。爵士乐不仅...
Questions 46 to 50 are based on the following passage.Sarcasm and jazz have something surprisingly in common: You know them when you hear them Sarcasm is mostly understood through tone of voice, which is used to portray the opposite of the literal words. For example, when someone says, "Wel...