NY Democrats blink as controversial state election bill affecting Rep. Stefanik seat declared dead KIDZ BOP to perform at SPAC in August Look TV interviews Clifford Mealy, Solomon Northrup Historical Reenactor Saratoga Springs Politics Blog: So Proud Of Our Police ...
When the Mayor gently offers that NYCOM, the New York State Conference of Mayors and Municipal Officials, confirmed the City Attorneys’ legal opinion, Moran talks over the Mayor, challenging the Mayor’s motives. Moran Conveniently Ignores The Language In The Contract That Undermines His Assertion...
Also known as the 'Lobotomy Hospital' in Brentwood, NY Pilgrim State Hospital YouTube.com- Kingsley Pedlar Pilgrim State Hospital Pilgrim State Hospital in Brentwood, NY was built in 1935 and eventually had a complex of 12 buildings on 2,000 acres. This was home to many patients with mental...
In 1871, Peter’s home and business were destroyed by fire and he had to rely on the support of the community to rebuild.[142] It took a few years to reopen and it’s not clear how successful his business was after the fire. Following Peter’s death his widow Mary tried to carry o...
[1] Tunison Funeral Home, Saratoga Springs New York Database on www.saratoganygenweb.com. Record Book. 1912 p. 554 puts the date as July 15, 1824. Nathaniel Sylvester and Samuel T. Wiley and W. Scott Garner, History of Saratoga County (Richmond IN, Gresham Publishing Co, 1893), Page...