Forgetting Sarah Marshall: Nicholas Stoller द्वारा निर्देशित. Jason Segel, Kristen Bell, Mila Kunis, Russell Brand के साथ. हताश पीटर अपनी टीवी
In the romantic comedy, Bell played the character Sarah Marshall, and Brand was her on-screen love interest. The movie, penned byJason Segel, also starredMila KunisandPaul Rudd. Related:‘Forgetting Sarah Marshall’ Cast: Where Are They Now? Bell went on to reveal that she “loved...
The 41-Year-Old Virgin Who Knocked Up Sarah Marshall and Felt Superbad About It: Directed by Craig Moss. With Bryan Callen, Jessica Lee, J. Chris Newberg, Steven Sims. Follows Andy, who needs to hook up with a hottie, pronto, because he hasn't had sex in
艺人:Forgetting Sarah Marshall 名称: 忘掉莎拉·马歇尔 所属区域:欧美 9548粉丝 16歌曲 1专辑 "The latest movie Produced by hit film maker Judd Apatow (40 Year Old Virgin, Knocked Up, Superbad). Starring Jason Segal (How I Met Your Mother) and Kristin Bell (Veronica Mars) the screenplay ...
Of course, the “wide-eyed tourist” notices the theft, and of course he comes back to the motel to pound on Halley’s door, and this is when Bobby, the motel manager—played by Willem Dafoe, whose performance garnered the movie’s sole Oscar nomination—steps in to protect her, and ...
Marshall, whose films include The Descent and Dog Soldiers, also has set Leon Ockenden (Mr. Selfridge), Emma Campbell-Jones (Doctor Who), Callum Goulden (Ghost Stories), Suzanne Magowan (Samantha), Indianna Ryan (The A List), Mark Ryan (Transformers), Oliver Trevena (The Angel) and ...
Mike Marshall Oliver Moonraker (1979) Francis Boulogne Serge Cunnigan Paulette, la pauvre petite milliardaire (1986) Patricia Elig Mylène Si elle dit oui... je ne dis pas non (1983) Carole Fantony Sarah Verger Le collège des coeurs brisés (1992)MOVIE...
Sarah Marshall , January 5, 2018 The Afterlife of Newsies On Disney’s oddball movie about child labor unions, and the anarchic fandom it inspired Alex Azalea Jin Word Factory W o r d F a c t o r y Imagine—just for a moment—that Disney once made a musical about labor unions. ...
meaningful high-point for both Segel and the viewers who embraced it. “I hear a lot that people have watched it and it’s helped them make it through a break-up, which is a really cool thing,” he smiles. “I very rarely have something go as well as Forgetting Sarah Marshall did....
The film is being directd by Segel’s frequent collaborative partner Nicholas Stoller (Sarah Marshall, Get Him to the Greek) and includes a cast of familiar faces from the big and small screens, including Chris Pratt (Parks and Recreation), Alison Brie (Community), Jacki Weaver (Animal King...