Discover the unique skincare collection from much sought-after facialist, Sarah Chapman. This innovative collection harnesses all you need for glowing skin.
“熬夜神油”的品牌创始人 Sarah Chapman 是英国很有名的美容师。▼ 她在伦敦有自己的美容诊所。▼ 贝嫂曾在《People》 杂志上公开自己的护肤清单,清单里面有 5 件 Sarah Chapman 产品。 贝嫂每月固定会去线下Sarah Chapman London 进行皮肤护理,她分享对 Sarah Chapman 护肤疗程的喜爱,写道:“伦敦最好的面部护理...
Sarah Chapman Stem Cell Collagen 胶原蛋白植物干细胞 Sarah Chapman家的顶配产品。精华质地,微黏稠,运用了干细胞技术和多种胜肽成分,连续使用28天就能提升皮肤整体质感,让你的肌肤感受从未有过的细腻,紧致,饱满,由内而外的光泽感,效果堪比水光针。说明上写的要在四周内用完,15ml一瓶,除了小贵用的肉疼以...
探索护肤品牌的魅力,今天我们来了解一位来自伦敦的护肤达人——Sarah Chapman。她在伦敦的Chelsea Clinic名声大噪,最近又在Pavilion Rd开设了BoutiQue。值得一提的是,她的诊所还被收录在了Louis Vuitton的City Guide For London中,这可是相当有分量的认可。 🌟 Sarah Chapman的护肤品牌以其在SPA护理中的卓越表现,吸引...
SarahChapmanLondon 2021-3-29 10:42 来自360安全浏览器 天气越来越热,整天戴口罩出门,肌肤很容易敏感闷痘,试试清爽不粘腻的#Sarah Chapman#深度补水精华,鸡蛋清质地,流动性强,用后感觉皮肤一下子就吸收了水分,一点儿都不会觉得干,补水效果超级棒!干皮、油皮都可以用哦~ û收藏 转发...
常用名诗浦曼,SARAHCHAPMAN,SARAHCHAPMAN LONDON 品牌介绍 来自英国新晋护肤品牌,由美容师莎拉·查普曼创办。其明星产品有终极洁面乳 、晚安面霜、下巴和下颌面膜、塑颜面部按摩器等,莎拉(Sarah)运用她丰富的护肤知识提供高效的定制治疗,从而根据每个人在访问时的需求量身定制了这些治疗方法。她的面部护理将标志性的“...
Micro-needling is one of the most popular and effective treatments at Sarah Chapman's London clinic - as she explains, "the process creates tiny channels in the skin that enable active ingredients to penetrate more deeply, promoting a radiant complexion." Now you can recreate it at home with...
Discover the Sarah Chapman skincare products on offer at Shop the range of products by the top London facialist.
We caught up with London-based facialist Sarah Chapman in Los Angeles, where she was busy getting celebrity faces Oscar-ready. By Dhani MauFeb 12, 2020 Beauty Could Acne Patches Be the Answer To All Your Spot Treatment Needs? They're all the rage in Korea. (And they work!) ...
大家都想到#母亲节送什么给妈妈#了吗🤔 @胡兵 兵哥又来给大家支招推荐啦🧚🏻♀️给亲爱的妈妈送上专属#SarahChapman# 女神限定星辰礼盒,从面部清洁到面部保养再到眼部护理,用最好的成分为妈妈打造最佳的肌肤状态,...