Amrita Singh on his wedding day with Kareena. Saif shared, “When I was getting married to Kareena, for some reason, I wrote a note to Amrita saying this is a new chapter starting. I wrote we had a history and something on the lines of good wishes for bot...
Talking about her relationship with Ali, Sarah said it's true that they liked each other and we're supposed to get married. Ali, she said, "crossed all limits and caused her a great amount of distress and heartache" but she "can't stoop to his level" which is why she broke up. Wh...
He had been an officer of the Iraqi diplomatic service until 1971, when the Ba`th regime in Iraq issued a regulation requiring those married to “foreign” women–women who were neither Arab nor Muslim–to divorce their wives or resign from government service. At that point, Dosky decided ...