有,但您可能需要手动将信号复用到 SAR 并触发每次转换。 您可以使用端口 1 的 HSIOM 寄存器来决定要连接哪个引脚。 以下是步骤: 1) 将 SAR 配置为仅对端口 1 中的一个引脚进行采样,这意味着 SAR ADC 中只有一个信道。 还可配置为一次性采样(非连续采样) 2) 触发 SAR...
特性概述序列逐次逼近adcadc_sar_seq PSoC® Creator™组件数据手册 序列逐次逼近ADC (ADC_SAR_Seq) 1.0 特性 支持PSoC 5LP 器件 可选分辨率(8、10 或12 位)和采样率 (高达1 Msps) 自动扫描多达64 个单端或32 个差分通道 注意:输入通道的实际最大数量取决于特定PSoC 器件和封装中可 ...
"ADC SAR Seq 测量"值错误 Attachments are accessible only for community members. Log in Translation_Bot Community Manager 16 八月 2023 查看原创内容: I-English | 原作者: Wiwaldi 这是机器翻译的内容 我使用 CY8C4245AXI-483. 我已经设置了 5 个通道的 ADC SAR。 已经用工业方式组装了5块原型...
The Sequencing SAR ADC component gives you the ability to configure and use the different operational modes of the SAR ADC on PSOC™ 4. You have schematic- and firmware-level support for seamless use of the Sequencing SAR ADC in PSOC™ Creator designs and ...
SARTools is an R pipeline for differential analysis of RNA-Seq count data. It can handle designs involving two or more conditions of a single biological factor with or without a blocking factor (such as a batch effect or a sample pairing). It is based on DESeq2 and edgeR and is ...
SARTools is distributed with two R script templates (template_script_DESeq2.randtemplate_script_edgeR.r) which use functions of the package. For a more fluid analysis and to avoid possible bugs when creating the final HTML report, the user is encouraged to use them rather than writing a new...
The main asset of a novel tool for dRNA-seq analysis that reaches out to a broad user community is usability. As such, we provide TSSAR both as intuitive RESTful Web service (http://rna.tbi.univie.ac.at/TSSAR) together with a set of post-processing and analysis tools, as well as ...
Cappable-seq data analysis results for ToNER and TSSAR.Yuttachon, PromwornPavita, KaewprommalPhilip, J. ShawApichart, IntarapanichSissades, TongsimaJittima, Piriyapongsa