HSM是硬件安全模块的英语缩写,全称是Hardware Security Module。 随着信息安全变得越来越重要,在通信领域...
复杂驱动:CDD(complex device driver)主要是将Autosar未定义的一些功能封装起来,给应用层提供接口来调用这些功能 讲到这里,我们已经可以非常清晰的了解到,为什么会存在 CSM, CryIf,Crpto Driver了,是为了将硬件HSM的接口做一个封装,以便上层服务可以标准化调用,而不受HSM的不同的影响。 二. CSM, CryIf,Crpto Dr...
HSM(Hardware Security Module),它一般会有一个独立的CPU,专门用来进行加解密运算,还有一些针对特定算法的硬件加速器(如AES-128、SHA-256等)。有了HSM模块,程序中就可以把加解密运算交给HSM来执行,主CPU就可以去做其他工作,一段时间后来查询结果,或等待HSM计算完成后通过中断等方式通知主CPU计算结果即可。 而且HSM通...
Evidence that a vehicle is appropriately protected against cyberattacks willsoon be a prerequisite fortype approval. One necessary condition for this isproof of an appropriate level of security based on a certified cybersecuritymanagement system (CSMS). During development of the vehicle type,critical e...
Differential privacy (DP) allows for the addition of calibrated noise to ensure that the presence or absence of an individual in a record does not affect the query results. The most generic form of DP involves the addition of noise to the collected record of user information and subsequent que...
The lightweight neural networks generated by Darts_Tiny are still competitive in detection accuracy: the F1 score can still reach more than 83 and 90, respectively, on HRSID and SSDD. Keywords: ship detection; detection efficiency; neural architecture search; pruning; computation awareness...
Bart Bradley joined Protiviti in April 2021. He was recruited for a very specific task – to build Protiviti’s first onshore delivery center, the Americas Delivery Center (ADC) in Ohio – from scratch. Bart has over a decade’s experience specifically i
Joshua Cloud: Manager Joshua excels in cybersecurity at Protiviti while leading diversity efforts through BEING Men, fostering a culture of inclusivity. Rupert Fischer: A graduate consultant in the Protiviti London office, Rupert bridges his passion for consulting and client service with his commitment...
同时,在产品层面我们也在对网络安全(Cyber Security)全生命周期管理进行升级,以满足日益强烈的网络安全需求。在兼顾车规级软件的质量与开发效率方面,加特兰通过模块化将项目开发进行分解,实现质量保证的同时确保开发过程更敏捷、响应更快、效率更高;同时通过合理的分层实现代码实现的充分解耦,并在解耦的基础上实现...
The Achilles Heel of Cybersecurity: Lessons from a Recent Data Breach Find out how Oracle’s suite of best-in-class, integrated security components aims to support you in seamlessly protecting your data everywhere. Learn more Oracle Database security products ...