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SkibidiSarkutay 1Follower8Following "Collections" help you sort your models To create a collection, select a model and add it to a new collection.
通过SRTM、AW3D与哥白尼DEM对LT-1 DEM的产品质量进行综合评估与分析,结果表明,本文方法可有效校正残余基线误差,相比于非迭代FFT算法精度提升约16.64%;LT-1 DEM与SRTM、AW3D和哥白尼DEM的平均偏差分别为5.49、3.41及1.94 m,表现出优异...
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test_tipc/results/python_stylegan2_results_fp32.txt test_tipc/ tools/ tools/ tools/ tools/ tools/ tools/ tools/ Please move or remove them before you can switch ...
rocket boat SAR-33 Aleksandr Bannikov October 8th, 2024 rocket boat SAR-33 191Downloads32Likes0Comments Details Uploaded:October 8th, 2024 Software:Rendering,STEP / IGES Categories:Hobby,Marine,Military Tags:rendering,missile boat,powerboat,motorboat,speedboat,rocket,boat ...
3D BP algorithm3D imaging SARAPCBSLASARsparse linear arraya bistatic-based sparse linear array three dimensional (3D) imaging SAR (BSLASAR) is demonstrated and its resolution characteristic are analyzed in this paper. First, the principle of the BSLASAR is presented, the echo model is build and...
2.2 System model In the case of 3D SAR, the reflectivity of a scene, which may consist of one or more targets, is determined by analysing the echoes collected coherently at a series of spatial positions. To gather the reflectivity of a scene within the transmitter's field of view, the ra...
Low poly model of an Exorcist Colt Navy Revolver ready for Virtual Reality (VR), Augmented Reality (AR), games and other real-time apps. This model is intended to be used as a first-person shooter weapon model. Details: - Each set of textures include
Turkish Coast Guard Ship SAR_33 by Yonca Onuk Shipyard - TCSG Sar33 - 3D model by mertkaygisiz