Foster JC, Burke WJ (2002) SAPS: a new categorization for sub- auroral electric fields. Eos Trans AGU 83(36):393. doi:10.1029/ 2002EO000289J. C. Foster and W. J. Burke, “SAPS: A New Categorization for Sub-Auroral Electric Fields,” EOS Trans. AGU 83 (36), 393–394 (2002)....
「我們有一個非常大的支援合約, 其中還包含年度增加額.後來攀 升到每年超過 350,000 美元,我 們覺得沒有從支援中得到任何東 西,升級和強化套件對我們來說 沒有意義.我們當然沒有獲得任 何適用的新功能,這樣做只是為 了讓產品版本持續獲得支援.」6 - Superior Uniform Group 開闢一條業務至上的道路 AWS...
Each stretch finishes with a "spacer" of 17-21 residues immediately followed by the sequence of one asterosap isoform. The N-terminal of this precursor has 19-21 successive glutamine-rich repeating units. Maturation of the precursor may require endopeptidases that cleave both C- and N-sites...