In December 2024, NewHomesMate, a startup that helps buyers in the US market access comprehensive information about new residential properties, announced a $9.8 million Series A investment. This round brought the total funding to $16.5 million and coincided with the company’s rebranding to Jome...
doi:10.1557/PROC-639-G6.29Y. V. DanylyukM. J. LukitschC. HuangG. W. AunerR. NaikV. M. NaikCambridge University PressMrs Proceedings
5 In earlier work, titanium was diffused into sapphire to realize optical channel waveguides and waveguide lasers.6, 7 To design efficient waveguide lasers, it is important to have independent control of the waveguide properties and the concentration of the lasing dopant, so that a second dopant ...
Deuk-Kyu HwangMin-Chang JeongKee-Sun SohnMyoung J.-MElsevier LtdSolid State CommunicationsBANG K H,HWANG D K,JEONG M C,et al.Compar-ative studies on structural and optical properties of ZnOfilms grown on c-plane sapphire and GaAs(001)byMOCVD. Solid State Communications . 2003...
Y. V. DanylyukM. J. LukitschC. HuangG. W. AunerR. NaikV. M. NaikGallium Nitride and Related AlloysM.J. Lukitsch,,Y.V. Danylyuk, et al.Optical and electrical properties of Al[sub 1-x]In[sub x]N films grown by plasma source molecular-beam epitaxy. Applied Physics . 2001...
Microwave noise technique is applied to study in-plane electronic properties of epitaxial graphene grown on sapphire by chemical vapor deposition and subjected to high electric field applied in the plane. The noise spectrum is measured in the field direction at room temperature. While a 1/f1.25-...
Octolia Togibasa TambunanDepartment of PhysicsHadiyawarman TukimanDepartment of PhysicsKadek Juliana ParwantaDepartment of PhysicsDa Woon JeongReCFIChang Uk JungDepartment of PhysicsSeuk Joo RheeDepartment of PhysicsChunli LiuDepartment of Physics
A.N. Mocharnuk-MacchiaG.M. SeidelB. SethumadhavanW. YaoElsevier B.V.Nuclear Instruments & Methods in Physics ResearchKim et al., " Measurements and modeling of the thermal properties of a calorimeter having a sapphire absorber, " 2004, Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research A,...
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The pseudomorphs after pyrite and heavy concentrate minerals were studied using a LEO 1430VP electronic scanning microscope (Carl Zeiss, Oberkochen, Germany) and an INCAEnergy 350 energy dispersive spectrometer (Oxford Instruments Analytical Ltd., Abingdon, UK) for the quantitative analysis at GIN SB...