【2024.5 更新】Sapphire Reserve 的开卡奖励提高到了 75k, Sapphire Preferred 的奖励提高到了 75k/85k。也有不少朋友问申请哪一张划算,所以在这里统一更新一下。 文章目录[显示] 对比原因 Sapphire Preferred 和 Sapphire Reserve 都是 Chase 银行的信用卡,两张卡都针对于旅行比较多的人...
An Overview of Chase Sapphire Preferred vs Sapphire Reserve Putting the Sapphire Preferred and Reserve cards head-to-head, you'll see some similarities … and a lot of critical differences.Here’s a brief breakdown of what you get with each card:Chase Sapphire PreferredChase Sapphire Reserve ...
Chase Sapphire Preferred vs. Sapphire Reserve: Reserve Dethroned For casual and heavy travelers alike, the Chase Sapphire Preferred is a better all-around package. Many or all of the products on this page are from partners who compensate us when you click to or take an action on their websit...
Compare Chase Sapphire Preferred vs Chase Sapphire Reserve and see which is better. View side-by-side comparison of rewards, rates, fees, and benefits at CreditDonkey.
Chase 蓝宝石系列信用有两张可以申请:一张是本文介绍的 Chase Sapphire Reserve(CSR),年费$550;另一张是Chase Sapphire Preferred(CSP),年费$95。 这两张蓝宝石卡只能二选一,每个人只能持有其中一张。这两张卡哪一张更好、更适合自己呢?请阅读《Chase 两张蓝宝石信用卡详细比较 Chase Sapphire Preferred vs Res...
因为 Chase 524 规则及 Sapphire 系列卡限制,此卡和Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP)基本上只能选择一个申请。CSR 对比 CSP 主要的优势是攒点速度更快 (3x vs 2x), 1.5 cpp 使用 UR 点数,以及赠送 PPS 卡。不过现在 CSP 也有吃饭 3x,所以 CSR 仅剩一个旅行 3x 的优势。如果你每年不是能在旅行上通过攒点及...
Sapphire Preferred 和 Sapphire Reserve 主要福利对比 如果UR 积分打算转到酒店会员或者航空里程计划,那么 CSP 卡就可以了,因为CSP 和 CSR 两张卡转点比例是一样的。 就我个人情况来说,我是为了用 UR 积分买机票。3个人的机票价格$6000左右,用 CSP 卡的 UR 账户兑换的话需480k 点数,而 CSR 需要400k,可以省...
In the travel rewards universe, two heavyweights stand out from the rest: the Chase Sapphire Reserve® and the Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card. Both of these cards are known for their rich rewards, valuable perks, and robust protections. In a perfect world you could get them both, but Ch...
从2024.7.1开始,CSR自带的PP卡在机场餐厅福利要取消了。这个一定程度上降低了CSR卡福利的价值。目前CSR的开卡奖励还是60K UR,有Chase UR转点刚需的建议考虑Chase Sapphire Preferred,年费$95,开卡奖励也是60K UR。 之前的更新 【2023.5 60K UR开卡奖励】 ...
直接兑换:兑换现金为 1c;兑换旅行为 1c(无高级卡),1.25c(有 Ink Preferred、Sapphire Preferred),1.5c (Sapphire Reserve) 。 积分转换:1: 1 转成美联航里程(适合中美经济舱、美国境内经济舱、单程机票);1: 1 转 British Airways 里程(适合中日、美国境内短距离兑换);1: 1 转 Hyatt...