Chase Sapphire Preferred®Credit Card Sign in to apply fasterOpens in a new windowApply as a guestOpens in a new window *Offer detailsOpens offer details overlay.†Pricing & TermsOpens pricing and terms in new window. Refer Friends if you already have either Chase Sapphire®card!
While this may be all the incentive you need to sign up, the Sapphire Preferred offers a whole slew of additional perks that make this card worth the $95 annual fee. There's a reason why it's one of our top-rated travel credit cards and best credit cards with annual fees under $100...
The Chase Sapphire Preferred is an excellent entry point into the world of travel rewards since it offers impressive value, multiple redemption options and premium benefits for a modest $95 annual fee. BEST STARTER TRAVEL CARD Chase Sapphire Preferred® Card Recommended credit score:(670 - 850)...
Chase Sapphire Preferred又称蓝宝石卡,是北美神卡之一。 正常情况下,点数兑换现金 100点 = 1美金 平均来说,点数的价值是 100点 = 1.7美金 In the credit card world, theChase Sapphire Reserveand theChase Sapphire Preferred Cardare two of the most talked-about options thanks to the valuable Ultimate R...
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card (CSP) 信用卡俗称蓝宝石,是大通银行旗下的高端信用卡,因为开卡奖励丰厚、信用卡福利好深受大家欢迎,用的好能用出$1200的价值! TL;DR 开卡3个月内消费满$4000可得80,000分UR积分,最高价值$1280;通过清单链接申请我们会再送你价值$30礼品卡!* ...
To keep things simple, we've organized the post around seven key factors you should consider before you pick a credit card. The Sapphire Preferred is our top recommendation for beginners. So, we’ll highlight how it fits into each criteria with examples throughout the post. What Makes a Gr...
Chase Sapphire Preferred Card (CSP) 蓝宝石信用卡简介 【2023.7 更新】80k 链接都过期了,现在的offer是60k了。 【2023.6 更新】开卡奖励从80k降低到60k了。似乎branch里的90k目前还活着,不清楚哪天就会结束了。【更新】80k 开卡奖励的链接居然复活了。HT: DoC....
Chase Sapphire Reserve credit card。 主要福利特点 60,000 Ultimate Rewards(UR) Points 积分开卡奖励:目前此卡开卡奖励60K UR 积分,保底价值$900,需前3个月消费满$4000美元。 每年报销$300旅行类别消费。 UR 积分保底增值50%:持有此卡在 UR Portal 买机票、订酒店、租车、邮轮等旅行消费,100 UR积分可抵$1.5...
The information above is generated by BestCashCow and includes BestCashCow’s commentary about the credit card product listed. It may include references to products from one or more of advertisers, but no content herein has not been reviewed, approved or endorsed by any advertiser. We may recei...
可以攒 UR 点数的信用卡主要有:Chase Freedom Student, Chase Freedom, Chase Freedom Unlimited (CFU), Chase Sapphire Preferred (CSP), Chase Sapphire Reserve (CSR), Chase Ink Cash (商业卡), Chase Ink Unlimited (商业卡), Chase Ink Preferred (商业卡) 等等。 各UR 卡攒的 UR 点数可以随时移动到自...