Define saporific. saporific synonyms, saporific pronunciation, saporific translation, English dictionary definition of saporific. n. A quality perceptible to the sense of taste; flavor. sa′po·rif′ic , sa′po·rous adj. American Heritage® Dictionary
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SAPORIFIC MOLECULES, METHODS FOR PROVIDING FLAVOR AND REDUCING THE CONTENT OF NATURAL OR ARTIFICIAL SWEETENING PRODUCT AND PRODUCT WHICH MAY BE TAKEN ORALvapor molecules, methods for providing flavor and for reducing the natural or artificial sweetener content of consumer product and oral product. The...
Sapid Saporous, Saporific Stimulusdoi:10.1007/978-3-540-29678-2_5209TastantMarc D. BinderNobutaka HirokawaUwe WindhorstSpringer Berlin Heidelberg
process for the deposition of substances saporificanti and dietary fat on frozen food freely porzionabiliA method of applying flavorings and edible fats on to deep-frozen foods with free apportionability so as to obtain a food product ready for consumption merely by adding water and applying ...
process for the deposition of substances saporificanti and dietary fat on frozen food freely porzionabiliA method of applying flavorings and edible fats on to deep-frozen foods with free apportionability so as to obtain a food product ready for consumption merely by adding water and applying ...