Saponin-containing compound hydrate anti-polymerization inhibitor is saponin plant extracts and supporting anti-polymerization inhibitor composition. 相比于现有的防聚剂,本发明提供的含皂苷的复合型水合物防聚剂可以有效地控制水合物初始生成状态,从而有效避免含水率高时可能出现的水合物聚结,更利于实现水合物的...
The present invention relates to a saponin plant extract type hydrate anti-agglomerant. The hydrate anti-agglomerant is a saponin plant extract, which contains 5-30 wt% of saponin, calculated by a total weight of the saponin plant extract. Compared with an existing anti-agglomerant, the ...
Vaksiner som inneholder en saponin og en sterolThe invention relates to a vaccine composition comprising a antigen, an immunologically active saponin fraction and a sterol.FRIEDE, MARTINGARCON, NATHALIE MARIE-JOSEPHE CLAUDE
Cesterum Nocturnum Saponin 1doi:10.1007/978-0-387-39574-6_287No Abstract available for this chapter.Springer US
Aldose reductase inhibiter and new saponin and the newPROBLEM TO BE SOLVED: To obtain an aldose reductase inhibitor comprising an extract of Centella asiatica with a lower alcohol as an active ingredient, capable of readily inhibiting an aldose reductase, useful for preventing and improving symptom ...
The licorice comprises a hyaluronidase inhibitor composed of Licorice-saponinH2 and/or a salt thereof. The hyaluronidase inhibitor has anti-inflammatory effects. The inflammations are characterized by being derived from the acne vulgaris. The origin of the hyaluronidase inhibitor is characterized by ...
The anti-hydrate polymerization inhibitor is a plant extract saponin to the saponin plant extract on the total weight of the plant extract containing saponins 5.0 to 30.0% saponin. 相比于现有的防聚剂,本发明提供的植物提取型水合物防聚剂,更利于实现水合物动态控制技术,确保油-气-水多相混输管线中...