The meaning of SAPIENTIAL is characterized by or peculiar to wisdom. How to use sapiential in a sentence.
the "lamp" or "light" are explicitly mentioned; Psalms that express trust in God, the stable refuge in the precariousness of human life; Psalms of thanksgiving and praise; Psalms from which flow the eschatological meaning suggested by the end of the day; and others with a sapiential character...
These two quotations, it would seem, represent two very different approaches to fundamental questions of meaning and value. Thomas not only argues for the necessity of theology, as a sacred science, but also claims that theology is the noblest of the sciences, to which all others are ordered....
The meaning of SAPIENTIAL BOOKS is the biblical books of Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Canticle of Canticles, Wisdom, and Ecclesiasticus.
Invoking the literal meaning of the term, Merton defines "education" as that activity which "brings out" or "draws out" our Christ nature, giving us an almost palpable taste and experience of God's life in and around us. Hence the title "The Feast of Wisdom." Merton's hope is that ...