SAP的3000个漏洞分析报告(ERPScan发布).pdf,Analysis of 3000 vulnerabilities in SAP Disclaimer 2 1. Intro 3 2. Brief results 4 3. General vulnerability statistics 6 4. Number of acknowledgements to external researchers 12 5. Vulnerabilities sorted by engine
Nothing contained in this communication shall be deemed to create a requirement that any controls remain in effect at any point in the future. This communication shall not and should not be interpreted to imply that SAP was required (except to the extent expressly required under the terms of th...
This communication shall not and should not be interpreted to imply that SAP was required (except to the extent expressly required under the terms of the applicable agreement) to have any of such controls in effect during any specific period identified herein. Further, this communication shall not...
美国消费者新闻与商业频道(CNBC)1月26日消息,德国商业软件巨头SAP当地时间周四宣布将削减至多3000个岗位,约占其员工总数的2.5%。该公司首席执行官Christian Klein在当天的财报电话会议上还表示,SAP将考虑出售所持Qualtrics股份,“我们将专注于核心业务”。SAP目前持有Qualtrics71%的未稀释股权。
德国软件巨头 SAP 裁员 3000 人 德国软件巨头 SAP 周四表示,计划今年裁员约 3,000 人,加入全球科技行业的裁员潮。这家总部位于沃尔多夫的集团,同时提供传统软件和基于云的计算服务,它表示计划实施“有针对性的重组计划”以“加强其核心业务”并提高效率。SAP 在全球拥有约 120,000名员工,该计划预计将影响大约 ...
据报道,德国软体巨擘思爱普公司(SAP)本周四加入全球科技业裁员的行列。公司计划裁员3000人,占其全球员工总数的2.5%,并考虑出售其在Qualtrics的剩余股份。 SAP全球员工人数约12万人左右,意味着约3000人将受到这项裁员计划的冲击。目前,SAP总部所在地德国计划将裁员200人。
德国软件巨头SAP周四表示,将考虑出售其在Qualtrics International的剩余股份,并将开始重组,今年将裁减2.5%的员工职位,以寻求提振利润的方法。此次裁员总数约为3000人。在去年科技股大跌后,越来越多的科技公司正在裁员并寻找削减成本的方法,SAP也加入了这一行列。这家总部位于德国沃尔多夫的软件公司周四在一份声明中...
データベースカーネルエラーメッセージ -3000 Invalid host file content -3002 Invalid data type -3003 Invalid user name -3004 Invalid host file sequence -3005 Invalid SQL statement -3007 Invalid sequence for DML and DDL statements -3008 ...
SAP Managed Tags: MM (Materials Management) Dear All, I would like to ask your help in the following situation: I am searching for a table/list/transaction which can show all the items(with shipment/delivery numbers) on storage location 3000 on a given point of time. The purpose: I ha...