本吧热帖: 1-开个答疑贴,我不忙的时候会来回答←_← 2-【醒目】新人入吧必看 3-SAP2000 v24安装激活后打不开,有大神路过吗? 4-SAP2000 V24.2.0 含中国规程 免加密狗 5-CSI SAP2000 v2102 Ultimate 64 bit 简体中文版(含中国规范) 6-关于sap2000使用卡顿问题 7-大佬们学习
7816 An incident was resolved in the Russian concrete frame design code SP 63.13330.2011 where the "Snow Load Duration Factor" preference was not taken into account when doing a crack design check. The whole snow load was being considered as a short-term one. In addition, the phi3 factor ...
The crack width, concrete stress, and steel stresses are calculated and compared against the limits imposed by the Eurocode 2-2004. The design/check results are displayed in the right-click design detail report, display design info, and database tables. The feature is currently limited to ...