The models accounted for realistic cracked concrete section stiffnesses, expected material properties, and nonlinear plastic hinges. Due to limitations of ETABS in performing nonlinear dynamic time history analysis, the model was exported to SAP2000. An asymmetric lateral stiffness model was created by ...
SAP2000 v25.0.0 ISO #RELSAP2500 07-Jul-2023 Page 8 of 11 Design – Concrete Shell Incidents Resolved * Ticket Description 9662 An incident has been resolved for the Eurocode 2-2004 concrete shell design in which the cracked condition was not displayed correctly for multistep...
I suspect that some of the differences related to a particular "feature" of RISA-3D: The Icracked property of a member. RISA will (by default) assume that a concrete beam's stiffness for strength level load combinations is actually 35% of the gross stiffness of the cross section. But, ...
Can anyone give me some guideance on how to account for cracked section properties in my SAP2000 shear wall model? I believe it has something to do with f11, f22, f12 but I cannot find any literature on what range of modifier to use. Your help would be greatly appreciated! -EJ Replies...
?? Deflections with a cracked section neglecting reinforcement would be rather large! Different codes have different provisions for calculating deflections, but all simplified methods have the potential to greatly underestimate deflections under some circumstances. If deflections are critical they should be...