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Compare 77311-4ARR03LF by undefined vs 77311-SAPC03 by undefined. View differences in part data attributes and features.
Login into BI Side Select and expand the tree of 0IC_C03 Select the Init infopackage of (2LIS_03_UM) and Trigger the Infopackage to load the data upto PSA and then Trigger the DTP to load the data from PSA to ZIC_C03. Check the data successfully got loaded into cube. Go to Manage ...
SAP Managed Tags: BW Content and Extractors Dear All. i have activate the cube 0SD_C03 from the business content and it has following data source attach with it. 2LIS_11_VAHDR 2LIS_11_VAITM AND 2LIS_11_VI_TM 2LIS_12_VCHDR and 2LIS_12_VCITM 2LIS_13_VDHDR AND 2LIS_13_VDITM the...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Datasource 2lis_03_BF is already in the production feeding other DSOs & Cubes. But now we are going to transport the 0IC_C03 standard inventory cube to production. So my question is in this case what steps I need to take in R/3 to ini...
SAP Managed Tags: BW (SAP Business Warehouse) Datasource 2lis_03_BF is already in the production feeding other DSOs & Cubes. But now we are going to transport the 0IC_C03 standard inventory cube to production. So my question is in this case what steps I need to take in R/3 to ...
1.负责集团SAP S4 PP/MM/QM(任一)模块系统建设与运维工作,引导内部业务部门需求,完成相应模块的项目调研、实施工作;2.负责PP/MM/QM(任一)模块的项目技术培训、系统配置、部署等内部实施及运维工作;3.负责完成产品的界面、功能、流程设计,协调开发人员进行开发工作,推动及协调产品的开发进度,把控项目质量;4.负责...
工作职责: 1.计划相关业务管理改善方案协助; 2.IPS 相关系统现场运维支持; 3.APS 系统运维支持; 4.采购相关系统运维支持; 5.SAP 财务相关运维支持 6.仓储/物流与SAP&Supply Cloud协同运维 7.LNV数据协同运维支持; 任职资格: 1、8年以上SAP PP实施顾问经验,3个以独立实施上制造业项目经验; 2. 熟悉计划相关业...
To enable the SAP NetWeaver Download Service to download software archives from SAP destinations, various root certificates must be registered in the SAP NetWeaver system. For an up-to-date list of the required certificates, see SAP Note 2620478 . You can use transaction STRUST to check which...
Grouping, Pegging, and Distribution Innovations Use Technical Data Technical Name of Business Function AD_GPD_CI_2 Type of Business Function Industry Business Function Available As Of SAP Enhancement Package 5 for SAP ERP 6.0 Technical Usage Discrete Industries and Mill Products (D...