1.了解你的WRICEF 首先,你需要了解WRICEF。对一些人来说,它也被称为“RICEFW”或“WRICEF-A”。我们稍后再讨论。这个缩写词基本上可以帮助您对SAP特定的需求/更改进行分类。 W–工作流程 R–报表 I–接口 C–转换 E–增强 F–表单 您可以根据需要使用WRICEF对每个需求/变更进行分类。这有助于为开发人员提供“...
1.了解你的WRICEF 首先,你需要了解WRICEF。对一些人来说,它也被称为“RICEFW”或“WRICEF-A”。我们稍后再讨论。这个缩写词基本上可以帮助您对SAP特定的需求/更改进行分类。 W–工作流程 R–报表 I–接口 C–转换 E–增强 F–表单 您可以根据需要使用WRICEF对每个需求/变更进行分类。这有助于为开发人员提供“...
在这个阶段,顾问与业务流程所有者保持定期联系,向他们展示他们正在构建的SAP系统,这些演练在实现阶段中安排了多个解决方案演练。 在此阶段,技术团队合作完成了待办事项文档中记录的 WRICEF 对象,并与 SAP 功能顾问和业务用户携手合作,以确保在时间范围内高质量地交付自定义对象。 用户角色和授权可能是一个繁忙的最终确定...
如果整个项目有一些亮点或者值得学习的要点,组织者也会邀请整个服务部门的同事参加,有时候甚至会收到Global同事发出的知识分享会议邀请,比如前几个月我就参加了Global同事分享的如何利用S4的优势编写高质量高性能的WRICEF。 很多分享虽然短时间难以消化,但其实只要其中有一个点或者就一句话能够有积极的影响,那这个分享就...
SAP Unit testing is carried out whenever any change takes place in the WRICEF mentioned earlier. Some tools used in ABAP-based development and unit testing are, ABAP Workbench and ABAP Test Cockpit: Used by developers to create standard SAP ERP application logic and logic for custom applications...
WRICEFIdentify WRICEF elements (Workflows, Reports, Interfaces, Conversions, Enhancements, and Forms) and their Counts.moustafahabashiExplorer2024 Oct 11in Enterprise Resource Planning Blogs by Members Load More
(WRICEF = workflow, report, interface, conversion, enhancement, form) Determining the effort estimates of a BPC / SAC project, drawing up specifications and delivering the project is closer to a development shop than configuring a standard implementation of the Model Company. However, building a ...
岗位职责: 1. Act as S4 Technical support/ Development Lead in China, provide technical service (ABAP, Fiori, CPI and BTP etc. programming and configuration) for Bug fix, Change requestfulfillment and new enhancement (WRICEF) realization to meet Legend business requirements. Provide technical experti...
SAP Business Technology Platform helps in managing all the WRICEF which are critical for business continuity. Extensibility from SAP Business Technology Platform allows us to manage the interfaces, enhancements which are custom object and let the S/4 keep clean. Pros Allow to connect with satellite ...