业务需求 项目变更日志对于实际使用项目的客户至关重要,本博文对SAP S/4HANA Public Cloud EPPM的项目及WBS变更日志现状做简单介绍。 系统实现 1.项目变更日志 案例:对于项目R2000,增加“时间记录”冻结标志更改 通过APP:项目控制-企业项目,相关应用中找到变更文档-项目
内容: 搜索下载SAP GUI760安装后,打开SAP LOGON GUI新增连接填写: 描述: SAP S/4 HANA 1909 应用程序服务器 :sap1.vicp.cc 实例编号 :88 系统标识 :S88 先发布20个备用账号,不够的可以跟帖留用户名找我要。 user: sap100, sap101,一直到sap102 (用户名不分大小写) 密码全部都是123456。 浮生若梦C ...
The Universal Journal is the Single Source of Truth for finance, Controlling and COPA, and includes all the cost objects traditionally found in Controlling such as cost centers, internal orders and WBS elements as well as columns for the standard CO-PA characteristics and up to fifty addition...
关于本来要分几步做的接口业务强制要求集成到一步的那些抽象需求 已知 该接口要有几次调用中间出错要保存错误消息,不然哪一步出错都不知道。所以要建一个消息表,组件 接口调用的唯一标识 销售订单号 交货单号 过账状态 标记(E/W/S或者整个1-9记录哪一步出错) 消息 点击
(1)事务代码:CJ20N–创建WBS 在命令行输入事务代码,然后点击按钮 如上图所示,首先选中要增加资产的类别后,双击“Individual objects”—>“WBS element”即得到下图. 下图红框内的项目为必须建立的项目. 以上项目均维护好后,EditStatusRelease 后“存盘”如下图所示: 注意:建完后,此WBS 的状态为“REL AUC” 建...
- In 2308 you can assign a WBS element to the sales order item in the selling company. For S/4HANA OP 2023 final validation / tests are open. - In OP 2023 you can configure the reason for rejection that is used to reject a sales order item ...
VBUP-Item Status: VBUP Item Status VBUV-Incompletion Log: VBUV Incompletion Log VEPVG-elivery Due Index: VEPVG elivery Due Index VETVG-elivery Due Index for Stock Transfer: VETVG elivery Due Index for Stock Transfer VKAOF-Open Sales Activities: VKAOF Open Sales Activities VKDFS-Billing Ini...
IDX4 IDXPARTNER Assgt of IDoc to Log. Partners IDX5 IDX_SHOW_MESSAG SAP Adapter - Monitoring IECS MENUIECS Technical Objects IE00 MENUIE00 IE01 SAPMIEQ0 Create Equipment IE02 SAPMIEQ0 Change Equipment IE03 SAPMIEQ0 Display Equipment IE05 RIEQUI20 Change Equipment IE06 RIEQUI20 Change...
Create User Status -OK02 IMG菜单路径:项目系统->结构->实施结构->工作分解结构-> WBS用户状态->创建参数文件 可以配置一下看看,和内部订单的比较类似,暂时没有使用这个状态。 执行继续后双击状态参数。 分配状态参数使用的类型。 Create Project Profile- IMG菜单路径:项目系统->结构->实施结构->工作分解结构->...
You will need to import new solution with SAP Best Practices for S/4HANA and then you will be able to see the SAP Activate WBS in the PPM area. I have seen it demoed by our product experts, but have not done it myself yet. I hope this at least gets you on the right direction....