Elements that are account assigned to a sales order or a WBS element are displayed. Elements that were manually created and are account assigned to a sales order or a WBS element are also displayed. Elements that do not have a header material (for example, a purchase requisition for an exte...
GUI事务码:CJAL 功能描述:Report for Directed Transmission of WBS Elements OData服务: UI5激活SAP应用: 权限角色:: 此APP对SAP支持如下: 模块:; 版本:SAP S/4HANA Required Back-End Product: APP类型:GUI(SAP GUI TRANSACTION) 数据库支持类型:HANA DB exclusive 此APP对BSP支持如下: BSP名称: BSP包: BS...
Hello,We have a unique situation where we are trying to specifically track costs for a project that we have created a WBS element for. However, our leadership team has identified that these costs should be posted against G/L account 27003000 (Other L... ...
Solved: Hi Experts, I like to know where the Table name and field name of System status in WBS Element.(CJ20). For a new development this is main key factor to be
wbsElementId wbsElementId: string Implementation of WbsElementType.wbsElementId Defined in packages/vdm/trial-balance-service/WbsElement.ts:30 WBS Element. Maximum length: 24. Optional wbsElementText wbsElementText: undefined | string Implementation of WbsElementType.wbsElementText D...
Dear Sir, What is a WBS Elements ? When i going to make PR for Procurement Process of Indirect Material for Direct consumption against Project - WBS Element is shown in Account Assignment .So requesting you to pl.explain the important of the WBS Elelments Entry. With Kind Regards, NitinKno...
account assignment可以是cost center, wbs element等 在测试时候,注意评估级别要与物料主数据中的评估级别相同,否则将无法进入相应科目。 借方科目为:发出商品 贷方科目为:库存商品 (在正常业务中,即出库时计算成本,VAX和VAY借贷方的科目相同,为“主营业务成本”,这样在产生会计凭证时,借:主营业务成本,贷:库存商品...
for A3 you should create a WBS element and lock down the budget immediately and change the status of that WBS element to account assignement locked.when you feel that it is required just change the status and let the users work over it Replies (5) You must be a registered user to add...
You get the message that the status was changed. Confirm it. Now, check if we are currently allowed to report costs. Select the highest WBS Element and then press CRTL + F9 Click to Business Transactions to see what has changed. Note that now we are no longer allowed to delete WBS-...