SAP ABAP获取SAP账号User Profile里的参数值 我的某个SAP系统账号的USER PROFILE里定义了如下参数, 如果想要在某些自开发程序里,通过程序自动抓取某个参数值,该如何做? 方法有3: 1, 使用function module SUSR_USER_PARAMETERS_GET 2, 通过执行FM#BAPI_USER_GET_DETAIL。 3, 查询表USR05。 -完- 写于2023-6-...
Hi All , I am working with screen-sets in CDC for registration, profile updates, and login, and I want to implement custom handling on these screens.During registration, I would like to trigger a REST API call (Gigya REST API) on the Submit event in ... ...
SAP MM 因User Profile中parameter缺失导致收货后不能自动打印送检单 笔者所在的D项目里,对于需要质检的原料,仓库部门收货后需要自动打印送检单,给到质检部门,作为部门间工作交接的一个业务单据,方便质检部门后续的检验工作。 为了支持这个功能,项目上收集好了送检单格式,笔者自定义了输出类型,后台配置以及前台output con...
AGR_PROFProfile name for roleSAP_AGR_PROF AGR_FLAGSRole attributesSAP_AGR_FLAGS DEVACCESSTable for development userSAP_DEVACCESS AGR_DEFINERole definitionSAP_AGR_DEFINE AGR_AGRSRoles in composite rolesSAP_AGR_AGRS PAHIHistory of the system, database, and SAP parametersSAP_PAHI ...
或者table: tstc; SE16 display; SUIM 查询用户信息的报表们。 SAP常用的TCODE—BASIS 通常basis会使用PFCG做权限管理,时你保存时会产生一个系统外的profile name, 记得SU01时用户有profile 和role两栏位吗?它们的关系如何呢? 首先明白几个概念. 1.activity ...
auth/authorization_trace Every trace will be logged once in table USOBX auth/check/calltransaction 2 2 auth/new_buffering 4 4 Method of storing authorizations in user buffer auth/no_check_in_some_cases Y Y Activation of the Profile Generator auth/object_disabling_active Y Y Value ‘N’ pr...
TRUNCATE TABLE _sys_afl.plugin_errors Fiori & User Interface Problems with Fiori notifications (“bell icon”) and My Inbox Symptom: When you start the appliance for the first time, some demo users (e.g. S4H_SD_DEM) will see existing notifications (such as sales order approvals, etc.)...
Table to Define Logical Fields USRFLDVAL CUA: Selection Criteria for Field Attributes USRGENPRS Table for General Workplace Personalization Data USRGIFAV iPPE Interface: Favorite USRGIFOL iPPE Interface: Folder USRGIPROFIL User Assignment to an iPPE Profile USRGIPROFIL_WTY Assign User Profile USRGI...
“*”is regarded as invalid since it does not exist in configuration table crmc_ui_profile. So what is your use case that you should perform in backend? Anyway if you replace the * to any other dedicated business role in tcode SU3, the exception should disappear. ...
用户,我没有任何role,但是加如SAP_ALL profile也是可做任何事情. SAP本身有很多default role & profile. 3.最常用的PFCG->authorizations->change authorization data-> 进入后选取selection criteria 可看到所有的authorization object manually可手工加authorization object,比如你使用某个t-code权限出错误,abap使用SU53检...