1, 试图在SU01D界面里Email字段处按F1帮助按钮,得到的是一个structure,没能找到对应的Table。 使用SE84以及SE11等事务代码也看不出该structure与哪些表有关。 2, 上网找资料,发现了Function Module:SUSR_USER_ADDRESS_READ. 使用我自己的userid来作为参数,执行下这个FM , 这个FM执行结果能取到user的姓名等基本...
Solved: Hello All, Is there is any table for Username & Email address. I am having the email address from that I have to find out the username. Regards, Vasanth
Hi experts, Pls guide me where i can find user name & email id of same users in database table thank
Expand table FieldDescription ABAPProgramName Program name, SAL only AlertSeverity Alert severity AlertSeverityText Alert severity text, SAL only AlertValue Alert value AuditClassID Audit class ID, SAL only ClientID ABAP client ID (MANDT) Computer User machine, SAL only Email User email Host ...
0 Kudos 289,960 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi Experts, I hv User ID, that Logs in. So, I waanna to pull the corresponding Name. So, Wher Can I find these data i.e. Which is the best Table/source? ThanQ.Reply
您可以在名為 sec-sapgenpse.exe-$processId.trc 的檔案中找到此步驟的相關追蹤。 邏輯應用程式工作流程會使用產生的 cred_v2 檔案,以 SAP 用戶端程式庫叫用通用密碼編譯程式庫,藉以驗證對 SAP 伺服器的存取。 您可以在名為 sec-Microsoft.Azure.Work-$processId.trc 的檔案中找到此步驟的相關追蹤。將...
{ "name": "SapTableLinkedService", "properties": { "type": "SapTable", "typeProperties": { "server": "<server name>", "systemNumber": "<system number>", "clientId": "<client ID>", "userName": "<SAP user>", "password": { "type": "SecureString", "value": "<Password for ...
This action requires that the user has access to 'BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE' or 'RFC_READ_TABLE' RFC. Send message to SAP Sends any message type RFC, BAPI, IDOC to SAP. [BAPI - RFC] Close stateful session Operation ID: CloseSession Closes an existing stateful connection session to the SAP ...
user_settings='X'IMPORTINGjob_output_info=lw_ssfcresclEXCEPTIONSformatting_error=1internal_error=2send_error=3user_canceled=4OTHERS=5.IFsy-subrc<>0.MESSAGEIDsy-msgidTYPEsy-msgtyNUMBERsy-msgnoWITHsy-msgv1 sy-msgv2 sy-msgv3 sy-msgv4.ENDIF.*/..GetOTFdata to convert toPDFREFRESHli_otf[]...
Step 3. In Consumer Security tab, Select User ID/Password option and give your S-username or Technical Communication user & Password in the input fields. Step 4. In Transport Settings (HTTP Settings), Define the URL components as below. https://apps.support.sap.com/sap/bc/srt/rfc/svt/sn...