TRY. SELECT FROM sflight INTO TABLE itab. CATCH cx_root INTO DATA(lx_root). "处理异常 ENDTRY. ``` 七、SAP ABAP常用函数 18. 什么是函数池? 函数池是SAP系统中存储各种预定义函数的地方。这些函数可以用于简化程序开发,提高代码的可读性和可维护性。 19. ABAP中的常用函数有哪些? ABAP中的常用函数...
catch cx_sy_arithmetic_error into MYREF. ERR_TEXT = MYREF->GET_TEXT( ). endtry. Handling exceptions as catchable runtime errors (向后兼容6.10) 此异常处理sap建议使用try...endtry代替(错误和异常类对应关系参见第5部分)。 data RESULT type I. catch system-exceptions ARITHMETIC_ERRORS = 4. RES...
CATCH cx_root. ENDTRY. lv_de_str = cl_bcs_convert=>xstring_to_string( iv_xstr = lv_de_xstr iv_cp = '4110' ). WRITE: / '解密后字符串:', lv_de_str. 3DES加密(Triple DES) 3DES加密使用三组DES密钥进行DES加密操作;过程中首先使用第一组8字节密钥对明文进行加密操作,然后使用第二组密...
CATCH cx_sy_file_open INTO lex_file_open. MESSAGE lex_file_open->errortext TYPE 'I'. CATCH cx_sy_file_access_error INTO lex_file_access. MESSAGE lex_file_access->filename TYPE 'I'. CATCH cx_root INTO lex_root. MESSAGE 'Exception occured TYPE 'I'. ENDTRY. IF sy-subrc = 0. ...
catch cx_root. result = 'Not supported!'. endtry. condense result. endfunction. SM59配置RFC destination 注意这里要设置为Unicode的communication type SE37定义Java系统调用的接口函数: SE38创建测试程序: report zyincl_test_00 no standard page heading. ...
catch cx_root. result = 'Not supported!'. endtry. condense result. endfunction. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. ...
CATCH cx_root INTO oref. text = oref->get_text( ). ENDTRY. IF NOT text IS INITIAL. WRITE / text. ENDIF. Reply Sougata Active Contributor 2009 Feb 26 4:59 AM 1 Kudo 11,190 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hello Jainam, The best solution would be to implement how...
I am able to do so but TRY-CATCH goes for a toss and warnings about exception not handled start to appear. DATA(lt_bp_gen) = VALUE mdg_bp_bpsuiterplct_req_ms_tab( ( message_header = VALUE #( uuid-content = cl_system_uuid=>if_system_uuid_rfc4122_static~create_uuid_c36_by_...
.CATCHcx_rootINTODATA(cx_root).WRITE:/cx_root->get_text().RETURN.ENDTRY.cl_crm_order_timer_home=>stop('Search by Description').WRITE:/|Number of Service Orders found:{lo_collection->size()}|COLORCOL_NEGATIVE. This report uses CRM BOL API to delegate the query to database layer, ...
=exception.CATCHcx_root.ENDTRY.IFl_einternalIS BOUND.CALL METHODl_einternal->get_source_positionIMPORTINGprogram_name=l_program_nameinclude_name=l_include_namesource_line=l_source_line.ELSE.WHILEl_exception->previousIS BOUND.l_exception=l_exception->previous.ENDWHILE.CALL METHODl_exception->get_...