When you confirm a transfer order or a transfer order item, you are verifying that the required quantity of material has actually been transferred from one location to another and that the processing of the transfer order or item has been completed. Note If confirmation is required, the quanti...
itemview:项目视图activateitem:启动项目adoptpickquantity采用接项目transferorderforpicking:setparameters:为了采摘转移:设置参数WM-TO:1deliveriessuccessful,0witherrors,0notrelevant:WM-TO:1DO的TO创建成功,个错误,00相关 确认TO Confirmed:确认forchecking:检查fordistribution:分发forpicking:采摘forconfirmation:...
Confirmation:确认 Don't display materials/QTY:不显示料号/数量 pack in one pallet装在一个托盘(只有一个)use lice nse tag table:使用许可标签表(出口)Description:说明 picking quantity:出货数量 Picking date:出货日期 transfer order 0001373941 created:创建TO为0001373941 to in background:在后台(自动)to ...
Solved: Hi , Iam a technical guy. We need to confirm the TO in two step , 1) Confirm pick. 2)Confirm Transfer . The IDOC interface function module L_IDOC_INPUT_WMTOCO
3、:托盘数量Confirmation :确认Don't display materials/QTY :不显示料号 /数量pack in one pallet装在一个托盘(只有一个) use lice nse tag table :使用许可标签表(出口) Description :说明picking quantity :出货数量Picking date :出货日期transfer order 0001373941 created :创建 TO 为 0001373941 to in back...
If you want to work with confirmations, specify a confirmation control key in the item detail of the purchase order. When you create an order confirmation, the quantities are copied from the purchase order at SKU level. You can transfer the quantities confirmed and possibly changed in the ...
6. 熟悉 WMS 的顾问应该知道,转储订单(transferorder,TO)创建之后需要确 认(confirmation)。不过在 IDES 系统中,根据 WMS 的有关定制,交货单环节的 TO 创 建成功后即自动确认。用 LT21 验证,下图的状态图标及其文本说明,相信已经把意思表 达得很充分了。 7. VL03N,重新显示交货单,看看状态如何—— 8. ...
委外加工费用按对产品的包装动作类别*包装材料数量计算,处理方案件如 ⑴.建立生产 BOM,但不建立 Routing,将包装动作(包装动作按简单或复杂分类并给定不同单价款 /动 作),不同的包装动作建成PhantomPart直接包含在BOM中,并赋予不同单价,不建立Routin 的原 因是为了简化操作,同时防止建立作业做Orderconfirmation时委外...
SAP库存管理讲义(56页)(英文版)SAPIMvs.WM:HowtoChoose,Use,andOptimize GavinKlausCatalystInternational,Inc.WhatWe’llCover…>UnderstandingthedifferencebetweenWMandIM>ChoosingbetweenWMandIM>OptimizingandovercominglimitationswithIMandWM InventoryManagement(IM)>Keyfeatures/strengths •Inventorymanagementbyquantity –...
If WM management is enabled for the picking storage location, the warehouse personnel need to create a TO (Transfer Order) based on the delivery note to complete picking. The usual practice is that after the TO document is created and confirmed, the warehouse business personnel manually execute ...