Lumira is able to work with location based on Latitude/Longitude coordinates and a predefined hierarchy which is Region/Country/Sub-region/City: However, geolocated data are often related to other geographical areas such as zip code, census blocks, counties or your own business geodata such as ...
var oModel = new sap.ui.model.odata.ODataModel( "http://domain_name/sap/opu/odata/sap/Z_TM_BANK_SRV",false, "Username", "Password"); //Set the Model to the Table var oTable = sap.ui.getCore().byId("bankTableID"); oTable.setModel(oModel); // Filter the DATA var FilterOper...
master 1 | master | worker | master | overall host status: okCopy Following the SAP HA guideline, the SAPHana resource agent interprets the return codes in the following way: Table 6: Interpretation of Return Codes Return CodeInterpretation 4 SAP HANA database is up and OK. The cluster...
zcsa/db_max_buftab 5000 5000 Directory entries in generic key buffer (table buffer) zcsa/exchange_mode on on switch for displacement of the table buffer zcsa/installed_languages DE DE Anmeldesprachen eines Applikation-Servers zcsa/inval_reload_c 5 5 value of the load counter zcsa/moddatf...
Delivery ClassA– Application table (master and transaction data) ComponentSAP_HRGXX Table CategoryTRANSP SAP FTPT_TM_MEMO Table Fields Here is the details of each fields in thisSAP table. You can find the discription, data type and assigned lenth of each of the fields in FTPT_TM_MEMO ta...
KK04 RKWBSK00 Stat.KeyFigures:MasterDataRepor KK05 SAPMV12A CreateCond.Table(PriceOverhead) KK06 SAPMV12A ChangeCond.Table(PriceOverhead) KK07 SAPMV12A DisplayCond.Table(PriceOverhead) KK11 SAPMV13A CreateCondition KK12 SAPMV13A ChangeCondition KK13 SAPMV13A DisplayCondition KK14 SAPMV13A ...
Solved: hi can anyone kindly provide me with the most commonly used user exits in PP. Thanks in advance.
(Maintain maintenance cont.) IEQM0007 Check/change manufacturer field in equipment master IHCL0001 Create equipment using material template: Classes/chars ILOM0001 Additional checks before saving a functional location ILOM0002 User exit when checking structure of location numbers IQSM0001 Automatic serial...
BAS00001 Service master: Check service specifications BASI0001 IDoc service master: Inbound processing BASI0001 IDoc service master: Inbound processing BASO0001 IDoc service master: Outbound processing BASO0001 IDoc service master: Outbound processing ...
Log in to the Sun N1 Service Provisioning System master server. In the Administrative section of the browser interface main window, click Plug-ins. In the Action Column of the Plug-ins page, click Import. Click the Browse button and navigate to the location of the JAR file. ...