Ping database successful.sybase@server:/usr/sap/<SID>/data/db>dbisql-c"uid=SAP<SID>USR;pwd=Sybase4me;dsn=hostname_<SID>_<nr>"-nogui(SAP<SID>USR>)sp_iqlmconfig;sp_iqstatus;sp_iqcheckoptions;sp_displayroles;sp_iqdbspaceobjectinfo USER0001; SAP IQ Monitoring with DBACOCKPIT Blog -How ...
Finally thought of writing blog after struggling to create simple o-data service to perform basic operations including media and deep entities. So I don't want you all to struggle and waste your time... This is for Beginners not for Experts:wink: , Create your simple gateway service by fol...
SAP-T-code(IM-MM-WM)分析和总结分析和总结.pdf,Inventory management (IM )T-Code Description MB00 SAP Easy Access Inventory Management MB01 Goods Receipt for Purchase Order MB02 Change Material Document MB03 Display Material Document MB04 Subcontracting S
创建原材料ROH2标准采购订单T-Code 24、:ME21N输入工厂F011、库存地点1001,当前物料记账期间为2015-01月。保存,生成采购订单PO:45000172822.6.2. 原材料ROH2标准采购订单收货入库T-Code:MIGO配置OBYC原材料记账会计科目依次完成原材料ROH2-001、ROH2-002、ROH2-003的收货过账。2.6.3. 原材料ROH2标准采购订单...
Vendor XK03Display Vendor ML33Create Vendor Conditions ME11Maintain Purchasing Info Record ME01Maintain Source List ME51N Create Purchase Requisition ME52N Change Purchase Requisition ME53N Display Purchase Requisition ME41Create RFQ/Quotation ME42Change RFQ/Quotation ME43Display RFQ/Quotation ...
进入T-code SE38,运行RSCPINST和RSCP0004程序,设置系统中语言相关的表,运行RSCP0001程序可检查语言包信息。退出重新登录就可以了。 1.1.Client Copy问题 公司正在实施SAP项目,我们想将一个公司的配置拷贝至其他公司,听我们的顾问讲有些配置是无法拷贝过去的,但他又讲不出具体是哪些配置拷贝不过去,谁能帮帮我?
1. Create a user with the following authorizations in all production clients: • Cross-application AAAB authorization objects Authorization object: S_TCODE Value: SE38 Authorization object: S_RFC Activity: 16 Name of RFC object to be protected : /SAPAPO/DM_LC_SYNC, SYST Type of RFC object...
19、MRKO -结算托售 (设定负债MR91 -发票验证讯息)cross-company purchasingME31K -建立契约ME51N -建立请购ME57 -指派并处理请购单ME21N -建立采购单ME33K -显示契约MIGO -物料异动MB03 -显示物料文件MIRO -输入发票MRBR -核发冻结发票份额指派 (一种物料采购自不同货源)MM03 -显示物料&MEQ3 -显示配额协...
Run the following code as <sapsid>adm: Bash Copy sapcontrol -nr <instance number> -function StopSystem Adjust global.ini on each cluster node. If the requirements for the susChkSrv hook aren't met, remove the entire [ha_dr_provider_suschksrv] block from the following parameters. You...