CEMN Cost Element Accounting 成本要素会计 KAL1 Reconcil. Ledger follow-up posting 为成本要素分类帐完成记帐 KAL2 Create Archive for Reconc. Ledger 为调整分类帐创建归档文件 KAL3 Delete Data After Archiving 归档后删除数据 KAL4 Reload Archive for Reconc. Ledger 重新装载调整分类帐的归档文件 KAL5 Ar...
Can anybody tell me what is the T code for getting the list of asset acquisition and disposal during a particular year?Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more details? Request clarification before answering. Comment Comments...
While thenearline storage functionalityfor the SAP Analytical (OLAP) based Systems like SAP BW and BW/4 with SAP IQ Database is well established, the usage of theSAP IQ Databasefor the general storage of BLOB, ILM-controlled archive files and archive indexes from transactional (OLTP) Systems ...
Transport View will be open which we will use in future steps for releasing the transport requests Steps in SAP MII Workbench STEP 1: Go MII Workbench and Login to Source Control Right click on Project go to Source Control/Share STEP 2: Any object now must be edited needs to Check Out...
Reversal of Accrual/Deferral Document F.81 IX Recurring Documents 1 Creation of Number Range "X1" for Recurring Documents FBN1 2 Creation of Recurring Document FBD1 3 Display of Recurring Document F.15 4 Posting of Transactions by using Recurring Document ...
Thanx much for the update. but i didn't understand the reason behind using tcode FBS1for accrual posting. I was under the impression that the reversal posting date in FBS1 will reverse the document automatically on the specified date. could you please provide me more information on the subje...
T-code: OBA1 二、会计科目的冻结 冻结科目的前提:当会计科目现已不再使用,并余额为0的情况下,...
Dear Experts, I have a case regarding Accrual/Defferal posting through RERAALCN. I have contract term for 4 months in amount 24,000 (for November - February). Billing
SAP FICO TCodes Only End User TCodes AnsweredT Codes Transaction Text T-Code Enter Sample Document F-01 Enter G/L Account Posting ...Useful Reports Tcode in SAP Financial Accounting GENERAL LEDGERInformation Systems 1. Structured Account Balances (Balance Sheet & P&L Account in FS Version ...
New Reason for Reverse Posting Now save it. Step 2: Enter Accrual/Deferral Document Path: Accounting -> Financial Accounting -> General Ledger -> Periodic Posting -> Closing -> Valuate -> Enter Accrual/Deferral Document Transaction code: FBS1 ...