LFAS-供应商主数据 (增值税登记号的一般部分): LFAS 供应商主数据 (增值税登记号的一般部分) LFB1-Vendor master (company code)供应商主数据 (公司代码) : LFB1 Vendor master (company code)供应商主数据 (公司代码) LFB5-endor master (dunning data)供应商主数据 (催款数据) : LFB5 endor master (...
了解如何使用 Microsoft SAP 的 SAP Vendor Management 应用程序在 SAP 中查看、更新和创建供应商 Microsoft Power Platform。
TVKWZ Plants to sales organization MM T024E Purchasing organization / company code T024W Plant to Purchase organization T001K Link plant ( = valuation area) / company code TVSWZ Shipping point to plant T320 Assignment MM Storage Location to WM Warehouse 1.3 Financial accounting 1.3.1 Company c...
SAP Table A021 Description Vendor/Material/Unit of Measure Table Type POOL Delivery Class A Main Category Sales and Distribution Sub Category Master Data SAP Master Data Tables TableDescriptionModule A000 Condition Table for Pricing $ SD-MD A001 Not Used in Standard SD-MD A002 Country/Customer Cla...
using table T076B in the following order of priority: The system uses the content of the field Partner number (E1EDKA1-PARTN) to search for the company code. 这里的意思是根据E1EDKA1-PARTN和OBCA中的 “Comp. code name in the voice”栏位内容是否相等,找到OBCA中对应发票接收方的公司代码。
30、(general section)KOFLFASTRANSPFBMasterVendor master (VAT registration numbers general section)KOFLFB1TRANSPFBMasterVendor master (company code)KOFLFB5TRANSPFBMasterVendor master (dunning data)KOFLFBKTRANSPFBMasterVendor master (bank details)KOFLFC1TRANSPFBMasterVendor master (transaction figures)KOF 31...
1、TABLES IN SAP1CUSTOMISING 41.1 GENERAL SETTINGS 41.1.1 Countries 41.1.2 Currency 41.1.3 Unit of measure 41.1.4 Calendar functions 4.1.2 ENTERPRISE STRUCTURE41.2.1 Definition 41.2.2 Assignment 51.3 FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING 51.3.1 Company code 51.3.2 Fi document 51.4 NOT CATEGORIZED62 BASIC DATA /...
However, part of the requirements is to be able to filter the results by Company Code or Vendor Number or Vendor Name as well. How do I do this? How can I link CDHDR to LFA1/LFB1 to get the company code, vendor code, vendor name? I've been told that OBJECTCLAS and OBJECTID are...
LFB1 供应商主数据 (公司代码) TRANSP FB Master Vendor master (company code) KOF LFB5 供应商主数据 (催款数据) TRANSP FB Master Vendor master (dunning data) KOF LFBK 供应商主数据 (银行细目) TRANSP FB Master Vendor master (bank details) KOF ...