SE39 - Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare SE41 - Menu Painter SE43 - Maintain Area Menu SE48 - Show program call hierarchy. Very useful to see the overall structure of a program. SE49 - Table manipulation. Show what tables are behind a transaction code. SE51 - Screen Painter: Initial S...
SXS_ATTRT,"Exit: Definition side: Attributes, Text table MODACT, "Modifications(修正) TRDIR, "System table TRDIR(系统表 TRDIR) TFDIR, "Function Module(功能模块) ENLFDIR, "Additional Attributes for Function Modules(功能模块的附加属性) TSTCT. "Transaction Code Texts(事务代码文本) DATA : JT...
SE39 Splitscreen Editor: Program Compare SE41 Menu Painter SE43 Maintain Area Menu SE48 Show program call hierarchy. Very useful to see the overall structure of a program. SE49 Table manipulation. Show what tables are behind a transaction code. SE51 Screen Painter: Initial Screen. SE54 Genera...
(一)打开【T-CODE:SE38】,进入ABAP编辑器,创建一个程序,复制粘贴以下代码到程序中 DO50000000TIMES.SELECT*FROMsflightINTOTABLE@DATA(gt_sflight).ENDDO. (二)在ABAP编辑器:初始屏幕中,点击菜单栏中的程序—>执行—>后台 (三)进入后,如下图所示,单击立即运行按钮 (四)程序被挂起在后台运行 (五)在【T-COD...
See table TRDIR, TADIR which stores all zprogram ztranscation. Hope this helps, Do reward. Reply Former Member 2008 Apr 08 11:32 AM 0 Kudos 26,591 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Information of Tcodes and program are stored in table TSTC. REWARD IF USEFUL Reply Former...
讀取SAP 資料表動作RFC BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE或RFC_READ_TABLE 授與嚴格的最低 SAP 伺服器存取權給您的 SAP 連接RFC_METADATA_GET和RFC_METADATA_GET_TIMESTAMP 您想在其中存取 SAP 伺服器的邏輯應用程式工作流程。 如需多租用戶 Azure Logic Apps 中的取用工作流程,請參閱多租用戶必要條件。
Table direction parameters, both input and output, for older SAP releases. Parameter changes, which replace the table direction parameters for newer SAP releases. Hierarchical table parameters.Known issues and limitationsSAP managed connectorThe SAP connector currently doesn't support SAP router strings....
4. Now make changes on ZTOOL, activate the change. Don't touch ZHELLOWORLD. This time the timestamp of ZHELLOWORLD is also changed which equals exactly to the change timestamp of ZTOOL. The generated ABAP load for a given report could be found from table REPOLOAD: ...
Hi Learners, Today i am going to explain what is check table and value table, what are the difference between the check and value table and steps to create basic check
39、izer:Tools工作台组织器:工具SE06SetUpWorkbenchOrganizer设置工作台组织器SE07TransportSystemStatusDisplay传输系统状态显示SE09WorkbenchOrganizer工作平台组织者SE10CustomizingOrganizer自定义组织者SE17GeneralTableDisplay通用表显示STDRTADIRconsistencycheckTADIR一致性检查SM04ABAPABAP 常常用用T-CODET-CODE事事务务码码...