SAP QM中有Inspection Lot, 这是常识。QM模块里还有Partial Lot的概念。Partial Lot在项目实践中用的并不多。在加入A项目之前,笔者虽然做过很多个制药企业的SAP项目,都有担任专职的SAP QM咨询顾问,却从未在项目上使用过,遇到过关注过Partial Lot这么个概念。 查阅资料得知,SAP QM 中只有在启用了Inspection Point或...
SAPQMInspectionLot的初步认识inspectionlot检验批次是由事件来触发产生的比如收货移库调拨工单确认等等都可以触发产生 SAPQMInspectionLot的初步认识 SAP QM Inspection Lot的初步认识.doc QC:Quality Control 即质量控制,包括三大块 1,来料质量控制(IQC:Incoming Quality Control) 2,制程质量控制(IPQC:InPut Process ...
Inspection lot in SAP helps to inspect the goods, record the inspection results, records defects of goods and complete the inspection process with a usage decision. To inspect a material or equipment, inspection lot must be created in SAP QM. Inspection lots in SAP QM can be maintained automat...
1) Different inspection lots to one single lot : Can we make any settings in configuration or in master data so as to convert the different inspection lots in to One singe lot (here procurement is based on WBS requirement) while receipting the goods to avoid the repeated results recording ac...
Transaction Code: QA01 – Enter Material, Plant & Inspection lot origin Enter Inspection Lot Quantity & Save Results recording Transaction Code: QE01 – Enter Inspection lot Results are automatically copied from previous inspection lot since the data origin for results is from Previous lot ...
Solved: Hi Guys, Anybody has any idea as to what is the table for the system status of inspection lot? Where the status is stored?? Would greatly appreciate your inputs.
This class represents the entity "A_InspectionLot" of service "API_INSPECTIONLOT_SRV". This service is part of the following communication scenarios: Quality Inspection Process Integration (SAP_COM_0318). See for more informat...
Dear all We have an issue with QA07: it does not seem to create recurring inspection lots for batches which have already expired. I've actually always been under the
<Inspection lot creation test when batch status is active> Test case 1: Execute QA07 with “Lot creation only” and “Initial run in days” = 0: Test case 2: Execute QA07 with “Lot creation only” and “Initial run in days” = 2: ...
Do a fresh GR and check if new Inspection Lot is created. Before that check if Inspection Plan Type Q in table MAPL in SE16-T code with Validity greater than today. If there is a unique inspection Plan identified; when you create a fresh Inspection lot it should get released. Also ...