MRP Controller MM Technical Name: SAP_BW_0ROLE_0003 Tasks You can use this role to hand over tasks for planning the requirements for a material or a group of materials to an employee. Material requirements planning harmonizes existing capacities and issue quantities and requirement quantities, ...
Depending on the company structure, the MRP controller can be responsible for the material availability for the entire production chain of a product as well as for the material availability of certain production levels. They can use key figures such as range of coverage and exception messages to ...
实施的损耗(SAP): 损耗(SAP) 物料的损耗率是一个比较宽泛的概念,SAP系统提供了四种物料损耗率的制定方法:一、部件损耗率对产品加部件损耗率的时候可以在两个地方进行:1、物料主档 2、BOM 举例:A成品=B原材料比例关系:1:1 在B物料主当加入损耗5%,现在SAP系统建一张独立需求100PC,运行MRP后B跑出的结果是105...
And PLAF-BESKZ (Procurement Type) = Procurement Type (Input) And PLAF-DISPO (MRP Controller) = MRP Controller (Input) And PLAF-PLGRP (Production Scheduler) = Production Scheduler (Input) And MARC-YYMP_MATKL (SCM Material Group) = SCM Material Group (Input) And PLAF-KDAUF (Sales Order)...
4.MRP Controller: MRP控制者物料需求的管理者.MIK用来区分成品,加工部品,模具和组件的生产需求. 物料主数据记录-物料计划及控制(2)5.Lot Size: 批量 批量确定的方法 21、很多,MIK用到的有批对批订货量,周期性批量和根据计划日历的期段批量 在批对批订货量被使用时,系统在物料短缺的情况下用确切的短缺数量(需求...
MRP 控制者: MRP 控制者MRP 控制者(controller ),是指负责一组物料的计划的人 员。 Material Provision Indicators-物料供应标识: Material Provision Indicators-物料供应标识 Material Provision Indicators-物料供应标识是指设置物料供应的标识,例如是客供料还 是供应商供料。 Tax category-税收类别: Tax category-...
CO01 ATP error No control data maintained for checking group 01 and checking rule F2 check the availability check field in MRP3 view for all component materials(CS12), change to a valid availability check as needed. CO02 can not print order printer for MRP controller xxxx not defined 1. ...
gs_header-co_dispo = ls_header-mrp_controller. gs_header-matnr = ls_header-material. SELECT pmatn INTO gs_header-pmatn UP TO 1 ROWS FROM mvke WHERE matnr = ls_header-material *Begin ADD:Joe Wang:23-Apr-2021:ECR202002738 and dwerk = ls_header-production_plant. *End ADD:Joe Wang:...
图: 3. 给半成品A的物料主数据中,维护BOM版本MRP4。 4. 创建信息记录,并给信息记录中维护不同的版本。 根据上述业务示例,我们需要与F和G两个供应商有分包的采购业务,那么,我们就需要创建两个信息记录,在每个信息记录中维护不同的BOM版本,此时,再创建相应采购订单时,系统将自动将对应BOM版本中的BOM带出到组件...