Output Condition record are in NAST but where can I find that for a particular invoice, which output type was used. Is there a table which stores output info of an Invoice ? NACE gives config setting for all Invoice types. NAST gives Output records. Thanks ! Reply 1 ACCEPTED SOLUTION ...
Output can be sent to for quotation, sales order, contract, delivery, billing, credit memo, debit memo etc Out put determination procedure has a integration with technical module, as ABAPer’s has to write SMART forms and FORMS to print the output , that SMART form output can be send to ...
type type 属性必须设置为 SapTable。 是 server SAP 实例所在的服务器的名称。用于连接到 SAP 应用程序服务器。 否 systemNumber SAP 系统的系统编号。用于连接到 SAP 应用程序服务器。允许的值:用字符串表示的两位十进制数。 否 messageServer SAP 消息服务器的主机名。用于连接到 SAP 消息服务器。 否 message...
Microsoft Sentinel 函式來查詢此記錄檔:SAPTableDataLog 相關SAP 檔: SAP 說明入口網站 記錄目的:為那些嚴重或容易受到稽核的數據表提供記錄。 透過搭配自定義服務使用 RFC 來取得。 此記錄檔會透過所有客戶端的數據產生。ABAPTableDataLog_CL記錄架構展開資料表 ...
M704 : Output: Change Condition Table M706 : Maintain Output Types: Inv. Mgmt MIMD : Tansfer PDC Physical Inventory Data MB5U : Analyze Conversion Differences MB04 : Subsequ.Adj.of “Mat.Provided”Consmp. MB90 : Output Processing for Mat. Documents ...
cl_demo_output=>display( gt_o ). Result: Result for Multiple For Loop with Multiple Tables Sometimes, we have a case, even if the record is not found in the second table then too we need to append the data of first table to the final internal table with the blank values for which ...
gt_eventsTYPEslis_t_event, gt_fcatTYPElvc_t_fcat, gt_tableTYPEREFTOdata, gs_settingsTYPElvc_s_glay, f2codeLIKEsy-ucomm VALUE'&TEA'.*定义用于输出的内表DATA: gt_tabTYPESTANDARDTABLEOFgty_outWITHHEADERLINE.DATA: gt_tab2TYPESTANDARDTABLEOFgty_out.**定义双击执行事务代码 用, 猜的DATAok_cod...
READ TABLE c_edidd[] INTO idoc_data INDEX 1. CHECK idoc_data-segnam EQ 'E1EDK01'. MOVE idoc_data-sdata TO ls_e1edk01. lv_ebeln = ls_e1edk01-belnr. IF lv_ebeln IS NOT INITIAL. *Field lv_message is the output type message where the form is configured ...
2) Output determination runs in its own LUW, check for the update termination. 3) Authorizations 4) Output is stored in NAST table (OBJKY = VBELN with all leading zeroes). You can check if record is actually being created there. If all 4 items pass, ...