一.说明 当货物移动操作后,可以使用事物码MB03、MIGO查询最近一次生成的物料凭证(Material Document),如果未知凭证号,也可以在操作中进行搜索。另还有一个事物码MB51可以通过搜索查询多项凭证清单。 本文描述通过MIGO和MB03两个事物码查看物料凭证,物料凭证中的信息很多,可以通过查看得到关联单据的信息。 二.MIGO查看 ...
MDTB MRP table MDKP Header data for MRP document MLAN Tax data material master MTQSS Material master view: QM 3.1.1 Basic data text (sap script) STXB SAP script: Texts in non-SAP script format STXH STXD SAP script text file header STXL STXD SAP script text file lines 3.1.2 Batches M...
materialBaseUnit materialDocument materialDocumentItem materialDocumentItemText materialDocumentLine materialDocumentParentLine materialDocumentYear plant profitCenter profitabilitySegment purchaseOrder purchaseOrderItem quantityInBaseUnit quantityInEntryUnit remoteState reservation reserv...
Hi all, Can anybody tell me that what is the table where the material details for subcontracting purchase order is stored? I can get the material number of the line item
Hello,I want to flag the deletion indicator (EBAN-LOEKZ) as 'X' for the line item of Purchase Requestion.I've used FM "BAPI_REQUISITION_DELETE" in one report, but it is not working properly. It is throwing me an error - " 06269 : This item can only b... ...
Material Master - Basic Data / Purchasing Data / Accounting Data GOTO > SE11 > Table Name > Display can also chck the tables MVKE MLGN MLGT MVER MAPR MARD MCHA MCHB below information represents FieldName FieldSize Description <b>Basic Data</b> - MAKT / MARA / MARM <b>MAKT –...
This service enables you to retrieve and create material documents, for example, to post a goods receipt for a purchase order or to document the transfer of materials between two storage locations. Additionally, the service allows you to cancel existing material documents or single items. It can...
Internal table for Item DATA: BEGIN OF tbl_bicsp OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE bicsp. DATA: END OF tbl_bicsp. DATA: BEGIN OF tbl_item OCCURS 0. INCLUDE STRUCTURE stpox. DATA: END OF tbl_item. Internal table for output DATA: BEGIN OF tbl_output OCCURS 0, ...
VBRP - Billing document line item tcodes SD http://www.sap-img.com/sap-sd/sap-sd-transaction-codes-list.htm Some of the basic steps for SD config in IMG: 1. Define atleast one Company Code 2. Define sales org, DC, Division, Soffice, Sales Grp 3. Define PLant, Shipping POint, ...
VAPMA-Order Items by Material: VAPMA Order Items by Material VBAG-Release Data by Schedule Line in Sch.Agrmt.: VBAG Release Data by Schedule Line in Sch.Agrmt. VBAK-Header Data 记录销售订单的抬头信息。 对应的销售订单行项目信息记录在表VBAP中。: VBAK Header Data 记录销售订单的抬头信息。