When we go to particular release strategy, it shows different characteristics assigned to it as ticked one. Suppose I enter the input as Rel Grp and Rel Strategy, then table should have all characteristics assigned to it. When I use table AUSP, it shows object there. How I will come to ...
Solved: Hi experts... I created an exit for CU, include ZXCLFU02. I need to read the Characteristics of a Class... But I can't find a table where with the Class name,
Enter the name of the table used to calculate the characteristic value and press ENTER. You reach the dialog boxMaintain field allocation. The fields of the table which you already specified are displayed on this dialog box. The system also indicates whether the field is from th...
If you know the production order,then input the order number in to CAUFV table and extract the material number and feed in to INOB-OBJEK(with full 18 digit format like 000000000012000244 if 12000244 is a material number) and INOB-OBTAB give the table MARA (for material characteristics) or...
Note For the Microsoft Sentinel solution for SAP applications to successfully monitor the SAP security parameters, the solution needs to successfully monitor the SAP PAHI table at regular intervals. For more information, see Verify that the PAHI table is updated at regular intervals....
For the Characteristics Load file we needed to separate out the allowed values to separate tabs in the spreadsheet by Character, Numeric or Currency as necessary for the load file template tabs. Do VLOOKUPS between the table extract s and the Load file tabs to find where the field names have...
The detailed view of the class contains: Tab Page Function Basic Data Basic data and authorization settings Characteristics Table showing the characteristics assigned to this class. By double-clicking an entry in the table, you can go directly to the detailed view for the characteristic in quest...
Hi Friends... Introduction: This blog will guide you with the steps required for migrating “ Routing ” master data (with inspection characteristics assigned in each
1.Create characteristics for possible values to assign to the Value assignment type 2.Create class for the value assignment type and assign characteristics to the class 3.Create Phrase set 4.Create phrases and assign to the phrase set
Create another characteristics in CT04 - ZPrice, where directly go the additional data tab and maintain the table SDCOM and field VKOND (ABAP Dictionary it will ask for) Assign these two characteristics to a Class in CL01 - ZBikeclass (Type 300) in characteristics tab page. ...