T548T Date Types T548Y Date Types T549A Payroll Areas T549B Company Features T549C Decision Trees for Features (Customers) T549D Feature Directory T549L Date modifiers T549M Monthly Assignment: Payroll Period T549N Period Modifiers T549O Text for date modifier T549P Valid Time Units for...
Here is a list of important Tcodes used with ABAP development. Transaction codes ( showing in bold letters) are listed with its purpose of use.OSS1 SAP Online Service System OY19 Compare Tables S001 ABAP Development Workbench S002 System Administration. SA38 Execute a program. SCAT Computer Aid...
VGM1 - "Create Group for Freight List" "创建运费清单组" VGM2 - "Change Group for Freight List" "更改运费清单组" VGM3 - "Display Group for Freight List" "显示运费清单组" VGW1 - Create Picking Wave创建领货波次 VGW2 - Change Picking Waves改变领货波次 VGW3 - Display Picking Waves显示...
2.SXMB_IFR -> Start Integration Builder SXMB_ITFACTION -> Interf. for Archv. and Ret. Periods 3.SXI_MONITOR -> XI: Message Monitoring 4.SXI_CACHE -> To Access IS runtime cache 5.SXI_CACHE -> XI data directory cacheidx1 -> idoc adapter 6.IDX1/ IDX2 -> idoc metadata (XI IDX1...
SAP FI (Financial Accounting) T-codes Here is the list of all important/general SAP FI (Financial Accounting) Transaction Codes. Activity T.Code Assign Chart of Accounts to Company Code OB62 Assign Company Code to Company OX16 Assign Fiscal year variant to company Code OB37 Assign ...
Go to T-code SE16 use the Table TSTC ,where u can find all the transaction codes.. Complete List of all SAP Transaction Codes Go to T.Code SE16 in your own SAP system. The full list of transaction codes is maintained in the tables TSTC and TSTCT. Complete list of the SAP t .....
SAP SD Transaction Codes - Important list of SAP Sales and Distribution Modules transaction codes (Tcodes) that are used for configuration.
The list of T-codes is based on the following system: EHP7 for SAP ERP 6.0(Release = EHP7 FOR SAP ERP 6.0) SAP ERP(Release = 2005(SAP ERP 6.0)) SAP Netweaver(Release = 7.4) and the following Software Components: SAP_BASIS Release = 740 SPLevel = 0010 Support Package = SAPKB74010 ...
SAP常用事务代码TCODE物料移动类型(常用移动类型): 261代表生产订单发料 201代表部门领料 561代表直接修改库存 101代表收货 移动类型 移动类型描述 用途 101 102 参照采购订单收货 参照采购订单收货到非限制使用库存 201 202 部门领料或 对成本中心发料 从某个库存地点的非限制使用区发出...
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