SAP Finance (FI) - External Exchanges SAP Controlling & Profitability Analysis (CO-PA) - Internal cost monitoring and planning Account-based Profitability Analysis Cost-based Profitability Analysis Parameter Account-based Profitability Analysis Cost-based Profitability Analysis T-code VKOA (Account Determ...
Dear Experts, I am trying to find out the BAPI for transaction F-28 (Post Incoming Payments). I have searched on internet and got 'BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST' . Also i am
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi, Can you tell me from which t code we can get a list of plants with their creation year.Any standard report will also do if exist in sap. Thanks and regards, Neha AgarwalKnow the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. Answer Need more deta...
FIN (Finance) Software Product Function SAP ERP SAP ERP View products (2) Hello friends is there any standard t code where can i track pending GR/IR with MIGO No. and date (not converted into Miros). Waiting for yr reply !! Know the answer? Help others by sharing your knowledge. ...
Operation ID: SAPEnterTCode Enters an SAP transaction code (T-code). This is the same as entering a T-code into the SAP command box. Parameters 展开表 NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription SAP T-code SAPTCode True string The SAP transaction code (T-code) to be sent, for example 'SLICENSE'...
Note to payee is a functionality of SAP that allows to creation and storing of note to payee information (i.e. payment details) that can be used in payment file. Note to payee can be defined via customizing or with help of custom FM. Launch t-code OBPM2 and define note to payee usin...
Body IdocNumbersList [IDOC] Get IDOC status Operation ID: GetIdocStatus [IDOC] Get IDOC status. Parameters Expandir tabela NameKeyRequiredTypeDescription IDOC number idocNumber True integer The IDOC number for which to fetch the status. Returns Result for get status for IDOC operation. Bod...
There have been many innovations for all the Lines of Business. In the following, I will go into details for selected Lines of Business and selected innovations for cross-components. For the entire list of innovations, see the What's New Viewer on SAP Help Port...
SAP Managed Tags: FIN (Finance) Hi , While cancelling Vendor PO invoice in T-Code: MR8M, I am getting the error as "No Reversal Possible, Reverse value must be rest" Selection Parameters Used: Invoice doc. number XXXXX Fiscal year 2009 Reversal reason 03 Posting date Can some one explai...
Ensure that SAP Secure Login Client (SLC) isn't running on the computer the gateway is installed on. SLC caches Kerberos tickets in a way that can interfere with the gateway's ability to use Kerberos for SSO. If SLC is installed, uninstall it or make sure you exit SAP Secure Login Clie...