S_S_IF-MAXSIZE =I_MAXSIZE.*Fill field list table for an optimized select statement*(in case that there is no 1:1 relation between InfoSource fields*and database table fields this may be far from beeing trivial)APPENDLINESOFI_T_FIELDSTOS_S_IF-T_FIELDS.ELSE."Initialization mode or data ...
Write: sy-tfill. What is the value of SY-TFILL (Current number of rows, Use- in Internal Tables) after executing the above code? a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 6 e) 12 42. Table zinfo Entries: - a1 Smith 100.00 50.00 Field Type a1 Jones 100.00 50.00 - a2 Bob 100.00 50.00 id C a3...
If not ( t_prps[] is initial ) (instead of describe table t_prps lines sy-tfill, if sy-tfill > 0...) New document types confirmed with the configuration team via MIT-ABAP mail list prior to coding a report to access the data. Dates need to be properly formatted using the user's...
FILL 命令DESCRIBE TABLE、LOOP AT、および READ TABLE では、SY-TFILL には指定した内部テーブルの行番号が設定されます。 SYENG 命令DESCRIBE TABLE、LOOP AT、および READ TABLE では、SY-TLENG には指定した内部テーブルの行サイズが設定されます。 デ...
7、取)内表(Internal Table)itab的内部嵌套循环(Loop at)(读取)内表(Internal Table)jtab,sy-tfill返回的不再是itab的记录数,而是jtab的!所以如果你需要使用itab的记录数,请先把sy-tfill的 值传递给其它变量。无论如何,sy-tfill永远保存当前的记录数。例如記錄內表記錄條數:DESCRIBE TABLE itab LINES sy...
write:/ 'No of Exits:' , sy-tfill. else. format color col_negative intensified on. write:/(95) 'No User Exit exists'. endif. else. format color col_negative intensified on. write:/(95) 'Transaction Code Does Not Exist'. endif. at line-selection. get cursor field fi...
在t-codePE04中可以看到ABPA代码对应的每个函数。在模式中函数名与ABAPForm有关联,如薪酬函数WPBP映射到ABAP form ‘fuwpbp’; 函数USTAX映射到form ‘fuustax’。所以当薪酬驱动执行模式时,它从模式中取得函数名,然后在名称前加上‘fu’,然后执行perform语句。这是一个很简单巧妙的设计。
AND sy-tfill EQ 1. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_TRANSACTIONCOMMIT' * EXPORTING * WAIT = * IMPORTING* RETURN = . * PopulateSuccess message in internaltable for ALV Log display it_logheadplant = gv_plant. itloghead-material it_mat_task_allo-material. it_loghead-msgtype 'S'....
You can do thas in Eclipse, or in SE24(oldschool:-)). But as more developers (still) use SE24 to do that i decided also to use SE24 for this tutorial. In our class we must implement the InterfaceIF_FPM_GUIBB_LIST Now we must create all methods by clicking on them or using qu...
CASE sy-subrc. WHEN 0. " OK WHEN OTHERS. " to be implemented ENDCASE. swc_set_element container 'ReviewResult' reviewresult. swc_set_table container 'ChangeDocumentTable' changedocumenttable. end_method. Release Pricing Condition- This method is used to Release the block on the Condition ...