SY-LSIND:当前列表索引,第一级列表为1 SY-LILLI:选择某行时光标行位置 SY-CUROW:选择某行时光标列位置 SY-ABCDE 常量,A-Z字母表 SY-BATCH 后台的程序运行 SY-COLNO:当前选定列的列号 SY-CPAGE 列表的当前显示页 SY-CUCOL 屏幕,PAI 的水平光标位置 SY-CUROW:选择某行时光标列位置 SY-DATAR:在PAI中,如...
if sy-subrc <> 0. rollback work. raise exception type lcx_configuration exporting text = |Exception occurs when modifying table: { tablename } |. else. message s001(00) with |Table: { tablename } is modified successfully.|. endif. endif. endmethod. method export. "Create client PC exc...
READTABLEit_key_tabWITHKEYname='EMP_ID'INTOls_key_tab. IFSY-SUBRCEQ0. ls_photo-emp_id
如果需要自定义,通过SU20、SU21定义即可。调用的时候在程序中加入类似代码: AUTHORITY-CHECK OBJECT 'Z_VKORG' ID 'VKORG' FIELD 'REC_VKORG-VKORG'. IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE 'No Authorization!' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. BW授权 BW标准授权(即操作授权) 控制用户是否可以修改、创建、查看报表 通过角色模...
sy-subrc is basically a return code for any operation. For eg. after an Insert operation, sy-subrc would contain a value depending on the success/failure of the Insert operation. The values are: 0 - Success 2 - Depends on the context which it was used. For eg. after READ statement, ...
|SY-SUBRC|0 | |SY-INDEX|27270 | |SY-TABIX|1 | |SY-DBCNT|1 | |SY-FDPOS|0 | |SY-LSIND|0 | |SY-PAGNO|0 | |SY-LINNO|1 | |SY-COLNO|1 | |SY-PFKEY| | |SY-UCOMM| | |SY-TITLE|Report for Restarting Work Items with Temporary Errors | |SY-MSGTY|E | |SY-MSGID|WD | |...
Solved: Hi Experts, I am writing a call transaction mode N ' update A' in background mode. It is showing sy-subrc = 1,001 and when i select foreground mode in SM35 it is
CASE SY-SUBRC. WHEN 0. "Everything’s ok. Optionally set up for optimizing size of "work packets. WHEN 1. "Non-existent group name.Stop report. MESSAGE E836. "Group not defined. WHEN 2. "System error.Stop and check system log for error ...