SY-SUBRC = 4: 循环没有被执行,可能是没有数据,也可能是没有符合条件的记录。 使用DELETE语句来删除一条记录: SY-SUBRC = 0: 找到一行并删除之,如果该表有不唯一主键,也就是有多条重复的记录,则只删除第一条记录。 SY-SUBRC = 4: 没有找到符合条件的记录,也没有删除。 使用UPDATE语句来更新一条记录: ...
SY-LSIND:当前列表索引,第一级列表为1 SY-LILLI:选择某行时光标行位置 SY-CUROW:选择某行时光标列位置 SY-ABCDE 常量,A-Z字母表 SY-BATCH 后台的程序运行 SY-COLNO:当前选定列的列号 SY-CPAGE 列表的当前显示页 SY-CUCOL 屏幕,PAI 的水平光标位置 SY-CUROW:选择某行时光标列位置 SY-DATAR:在PAI中,如...
Task management: A 0 return code (SY-SUBRC) from CALL FUNCTION indicates that your parallel processing task has been successfully dispatched. It is now important that your job keep track of these parallel processing tasks. Your task management should take care of two assignments: Generating unique...
IF SY-SUBRC <> 0. MESSAGE 'No Authorization!' TYPE 'E'. ENDIF. BW授权 BW标准授权(即操作授权) 控制用户是否可以修改、创建、查看报表 通过角色模板生成权限数据 上面(为角色分配菜单权限/为角色分配权限数据)是根据你选择的事务码(菜单)后,再进“权限”Tab点击“更改权限数据”时,会自动搜集该事务码所用...
idx = sy-tabix. DATA(idx) = line_index( itab[ ... ] ). NB: There will be a short dump if you use an inline expression that references a non-existent record.SAP says you should therefore assign a field symbol and check sy-subrc. ASSIGN lt_tab[ 1 ] to FIELD-SYMBOL(<ls_tab>)...
IF sy-subrc EQ 0. SELECT SINGLE * FROM tadir WHERE pgmid = 'R3TR' AND object = 'PROG' AND obj_name = tstc-pgmna. MOVE : tadir-devclass TO v_devclass. IF sy-subrc NE 0. SELECT SINGLE * FROM trdir WHERE name = tstc-pgmna. IF trdir-subc EQ 'F'. SELECT SINGLE * FROM ...
sy-subrc is basically a return code for any operation. For eg. after an Insert operation, sy-subrc would contain a value depending on the success/failure of the Insert operation. The values are: 0 - Success 2 - Depends on the context which it was used. For eg. after READ statement, ...
Solved: hi guys i am confusing with sy-subrc, whay we need it every time with abap command/statements sometimes it happen that sy-subrc=0 sy-subrc=4 and it print 0. so
IFsy-subrc=0. ls_emp_details-emp_id=ls_key_tab-value. DELETEzxx_emp_detFROMls_emp_details. ENDIF. endmethod. SUCCESS CODE : 204 DEEP READ To get data of dependent with parent entity[Header with Line Items] URL. ---ZEMPLOYEE_INFO_SRV/EmpDetailsSet(EMP_ID='1')/?$expand=EmpCont...