i am new to abap i a requirement that my current program should call one standard program in that standard programe i have to pass values ie it is select-options with no interval but i should pass values in multipleselections so i can use submit program name then how i should pass va...
3、带parameters程序的Submit的用法 *Code used to populate 'parameters' & execute report SUBMIT zreport with p_param1 = 'value' with p_param2 = 'value'. 4、其他情况 *Submit report and return to current program afterwards SUBMIT zreport AND RETURN. *Submit report via its own selection screen...
a selection criterion of this type is used exclusively as part of the interface defined by the selection screen. It can be supplied with a value by the calling program when it is called withSUBMIT.
REPORT ztest_submit . TABLES spfli . PARAMETERS :p_carrid TYPE spfli -carrid . SELECT-OPTIONS :s_connid FOR spfli -connid . PARAMETERS pc_max AS CHECKBOX DEFAULT '' . PARAMETERS rd_test1 RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1 DEFAULT 'X' . PARAMETERS rd_test2 RADIOBUTTON GROUP g1 . DATA t_rsparams ...
Solved: Hi All, i want to submit a standard program into zprogram , in standard program there are 3 select-options . i need to pass zselect-options into these 3
I researched using F1 for SUBMIT command. But, I am little bit confused in submitting my SAP standard program in back ground. I would really appreciate if someone could help me how to do this. Here is my code which I have written. SELECT VBBE~VBELN INTO TABLE GT_VBBE FROM VBBE INNER...
Solved: Hi All, I have an issue when trying to Submit a program in background with a different user id. User wants to set deletion indicator in linked purchase
SUBMIT<program>:结束当前运行的程序,启动新的被调用程序<program> LEAVE TO TRANSACTION<TCode>:结束当前运行的程序,并启动由事务码<TCode>指定的ABAP程序。在程序中使用该语句的效果等同于用户直接在命令行输入“/n<TCode>”并执行的效果。 使用LEAVE TO TRANSACTION<TCode>调用另一程序时,可以在主调程序中使用...
RS_REFRESH_FROM_SELECTOPTIONS –获得当前选择屏幕的内容 RS_SEND_MAIL_FOR_SPOOLLIST – 在程序中给SAP office 发送消息 RS_VARIANT_CONTENTS – 获得一个变式的内容 RZL_SLEEP – 将当前程序挂起 RZL_SUBMIT – 提交一个远程报表 RZL_READ_DIR_LOCAL – 读取应用服务器的目录 ...
async_write_submit_activeon async_write_submit_blocksall 如需詳細資訊,請參閱適用於 SAP Hana 的 I/O 堆疊組態。 從SAP Hana 2.0 系統開始,您可以在global.ini中設定參數。 如需詳細資訊,請參閱 SAP 附註1999930。 針對SAP HANA 1.0 系統版本 SPS12 和更早版本,您可以在安裝期間設定這些參...