然后去修改这个PR的数量,保存之, PR抬头的release strategy选项卡就出现了! 2017-09-21 写于无锡市新吴区
注意勾上“Interval values allowed” CT04 创建特性 注意:additional data里面的Table是CEKKO 2. 创建Class,并将特性(上一步创建的Characteristics)分配给Class CL02 创建类(Class) 3. 创建批准组(Release Group),并将上一步创建的Class分配批准组 创建release group路径 创建批准组AX,并将Class分配给AX 4. 创建...
Find a Support Application "Tiles" in the SAP ONE Support Launchpad used to give you access to service & support tools. With a few exceptions,SAP for Meoffers "cards," or equivalent applications. The table below outlines where to find them. ...
Hi all,I have configured the EWM Putaway strategy, used storage type search sequence and BIN determination.I have maintained the Control Indicator also in the product. Still, while executing it is always searching the empty bin and showing in the WT. My storage type Putaway rule is "2 i....
Before, when you added a table column (or another transformation that internally adds a column), the query would "drop out of cube space", and all operations would be done at a table level. At some point, this drop out could cause the query to stop folding. Performing cube operations af...
3282453- Change in Renewal Strategy: SAP Cloud Platform, HANA Service for Cloud Foundry On Premise: 1514967- SAP HANA: Central Note 1523337- SAP HANA Database 1.00 - Central Note 2380229- SAP HANA Platform 2.0 - Central Note 2958224- SAP HANA Revision Release Details ...
Customers have been running their critical SAP workloads on Amazon Web Services (AWS) formore than a decade. Typically, SAP applications are integrated with non-SAP applications for sending or receiving data, and this data is critical for customers to create the right business ...
Your SAP user account needs access to the RFC_METADATA function group and the respective function modules for the following operations:Expand table OperationsAccess to function modules RFC actions RFC_GROUP_SEARCH, DD_LANGU_TO_ISOLA BAPI actions BAPI_TRANSACTION_COMMIT, BAPI_TRANSACTION_ROLLBACK, ...
#Cluster settings property cib-bootstrap-options: \ have-watchdog=true \ cluster-infrastructure=corosync \ cluster-name=hacluster \ stonith-enabled=true \ placement-strategy=balanced \ maintenance-mode=false rsc_defaults rsc-options: \ resource-stickiness=1 \ migration-threshold=3 op_defaults op-op...
#Cluster settings property cib-bootstrap-options: \ have-watchdog=true \ cluster-infrastructure=corosync \ cluster-name=hacluster \ stonith-enabled=true \ placement-strategy=balanced \ maintenance-mode=false rsc_defaults rsc-options: \ resource-stickiness=1 \ migration-threshold=3 op_defaults op-op...