使用ABAP代码消费OData服务 使用Java代码 + Apache Olingo消费OData服务 使用UI5消费OData服务 OData性能测试 C4C中的OData应用 XS OData Services 更多阅读 在SAP Business Suite中进行OData开发 以SAP CRM为例。SAP对于很多Fiori应用都贴心地提供了可以云端试用的版本,通过如下链接访问: sapfioritrial.com/ 点击链接之...
https://blogs.sap.com/2017/08/04/consume-standard-c4c-odata-service-via-abap-code/ 使用Java代码 + Apache Olingo消费OData服务 相信大多数开发人员都不愿意像下面的代码这样直接操作OData $batch body,既麻烦又容易出错。 于是在Java里就有了Apache Olingo,一个开源库,您可以把它当成OData的...
An OData connector that can be used to invoke SAP ODATA services for performing various operations like create, read, update and delete of entities, as well as invoking functions on the service.This connector is available in the following products and regions:...
OData-Service einrichten Einrichtung des OData-Services für die AppsVorhersagemodelleundVorhersageszenarios. Das Open Data Protocol (OData) ist ein standardisiertes Protokoll zum Exponieren von und den Zugriff auf Informationen aus verschiedenen Quellen. OData basiert auf Kernprotokollen...
The OData Service Explorer view in the Administrator work center allows you, as an end user to create, edit, and manage your OData services. This view also lists the services that are created by you and the standard OData services offered by SAP. To view the services created by you, ...
Power Platform 可以取用 SAP 中的 OData 服務嗎? 開放式資料通訊協定 (OData) 連接器目前僅提供個人預覽版。 但是,可以在 Power Automate 中建立自訂連接器以使用OData 服務。 Power Platform 是否可以存取 S4/HANA 中的檢視表? 是的,SAP ERP 連接器可以透過使用剖析讀取 SAP 資料表動作讀取核心資料服務檢視表。
SAP Cloud for Customer provides a standard OData API. In addition, SAP Cloud for Customer also allows customers to build their own (custom) OData services based on the predefined business objects in the solution.OData Service Explorer is a key user tool that allows exploring and testing SAP ...
Hello Experts,I am trying to activate a few standard Fiori apps.I have created the spaces, catalogs and assigned it to front end role.I have used the task list to SAP_FIORI_FCM_CONTENT_ACTIVATION to activate all the Odata services related, maintain I... ...
We have discussed this internally and it turns out that there is a security related product standard that doesn’t allow any service which might change the state of the system to be called without an XSRF token. What this means is that we cannot accept OData calls using the HTTP Get operat...
Remote Function Call is the standard SAP interface for communication, and is supported in Microsoft connectors as well. OData. SAP provides OData APIs in SAP HANA XS and OData services in the SAP Gateway. These are RESTful APIs that Microsoft applications can use. IDoc. EDI SAP ID...