讀取SAP 資料表動作RFC BBP_RFC_READ_TABLE或RFC_READ_TABLE 授與嚴格的最低 SAP 伺服器存取權給您的 SAP 連接RFC_METADATA_GET和RFC_METADATA_GET_TIMESTAMP 您想在其中存取 SAP 伺服器的邏輯應用程式工作流程。 如需多租用戶 Azure Logic Apps 中的取用工作流程,請參閱多租用戶必要條件。
比如如下的SO单据,ship-to party 2001895472. 在SAP系统里,销售订单的数据主要存放在2个表里,VBAK和VBAP。 尽管ship-to party显示在SO的header上,但是它并不是存放在VBAK表里,而是VBPA表里, VBPA这个表主要用于存储SD document的partner数据,如下图示: -完- 写于2023-4-24....
Hi Experts,I am trying to create local annotations in the SAP BAS using open guided development in the project. When i try to table column(UI Line item) , the entity set is greyedout like below Also getting the warning message "The guide is not comp... ...
Hi, In which table can i get data of manually entered partner function(ZN-Agent) in Sales Order??? i have searched VAKPA table but it is showing only Sold to party(SP) ZN is not entered in customer master, its entered in SO. Reg. AmolKnow...
用于查询以下日志的 Microsoft Sentinel 函数:SAPTableDataLog “相关 SAP 文档”:SAP 帮助门户 “日志用途”:为那些对审核至关重要或容易受到审核的表提供日志记录。 可通过将 RFC 与自定义服务一起使用获得。 此日志使用所有客户端中的数据生成。 ABAPTableDataLog_CL 日志架构 ...
Next stepsRegister for the monthly SAP Fiori development roundtable call to meet other developers and architects who build SAP Fiori apps.Subscribe to the SAP Fiori development newsletter, in which we share updates on SAP Fiori elements, SAP Fiori tools, SAPUI5, and SAP Build Code every other...
Mastering the SAPUI5 Personalization Engine: Essential Tips & FixesSAPUI5’s Personalization Engine offers a powerful way to enhance user experience, enabling customized table views without relying on Smart Controls. However, while implementing it, de... yesterday | Posted in Technology Blogs by ...
public Object sncPartnerName() Get the sncPartnerName property: Communication partner's SNC name to access the SAP server where the table is located. Type: string (or Expression with resultType string). Returns: the sncPartnerName value.snc...
(🔙Table of Contents) Outlook The first launch of the Advanced Intercompany processes covers the scenario for Single Level / Single System that is explained below. In addition, it is planned to extend the Advanced Intercompany processes also to cover the ...